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第 39 卷第 6 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.6
             2022 年 6 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 June  2022


                  周鹏程 ,王博威              1,2,3* ,杨尚龙 ,李   阳           1,3 ,闫喜龙      1,2,3 ,陈立功      1,2,3*
                 (1.  天津大学  化工学院,天津  300350;2.  天津大学  浙江绍兴研究院,浙江  绍兴   312300;3.  天津功
                 能精细化学品技术工程中心,天津  300350;4.  浙江龙盛集团股份有限公司,浙江  绍兴  312368)

                 摘要:以乙酰乙酸乙酯和乙醛为起始原料、无水碳酸钠为碱,经过 Robinson 环合反应得到 4-乙氧羰基-3,5-二甲
                 基-2-环己烯-1-酮,收率为 95%。对无水碳酸钠体系催化的 Robinson 环合反应进行了应用拓展,在该体系催化
                 下,脂肪醛和芳香醛底物均可转化为相应二取代环己烯酮产物。环合产物 4-乙氧羰基-3,5-二甲基-2-环己烯-1-酮
                 经皂化脱羧过程可定量转化为关键中间体 3,5-二甲基-2-环己烯酮,收率为 99%。将 3,5-二甲基-2-环己烯酮直接
                 脱氢芳构化,得到了目标产物 3,5-二甲基苯酚。采用 HNMR 和 CNMR 对产物及中间体结构进行了表征。在
                 本文建立的工艺条件下,3,5-二甲基苯酚的总收率为 66%。该工艺适用于 3-甲基-5-丙基苯酚的合成,具有一定
                 关键词:3,5-二甲基苯酚;Robinson 环合;环己烯酮;脱氢芳构化;精细化工中间体
                 中图分类号:TQ243.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 06-1283-07

                                   Improved synthesis of 3,5-dimethylphenol

                                  ZHOU Pengcheng , WANG Bowei    1,2,3* , YANG Shanglong ,
                                        LI Yang , YAN Xilong 1,2,3 , CHEN Ligong 1,2,3*
                 (1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China; 2. Institute of Shaoxing, Tianjin
                 University, Shaoxing 312300, Zhejiang, China; 3. Tianjin Engineering Research Center of Functional Fine Chemicals,
                 Tianjin 300350, China; 4. Zhejiang Longsheng Group Co., Ltd., Shaoxing 312368, Zhejiang, China)

                 Abstract: 4-Ethoxycarbonyl-3,5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one was obtained in  95% yield  via  Robinson
                 annulation  of ethyl acetoacetate  with acetaldehyde  over anhydrous sodium carbonate. The Robinson
                 annulation catalyzed by anhydrous sodium carbonate system was extended to diverse substrates. Under the
                 catalysis of this system, both aliphatic aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes could be converted into
                 corresponding disubstituted  cyclohexenones. The cyclization product, 4-ethoxycarbonyl-3,5-dimethyl-2-
                 cyclohexen-1-one could  be almost quantitatively converted into  key intermediate  3,5-dimethyl-2-
                 cyclohexenone with  99% yield through  saponification and decarboxylation. The targeting compound
                 3,5-dimethylphenol was obtained by direct dehydrogenation aromatization of 3,5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone.
                 The structures of product and intermediates were characterized by  HNMR and  CNMR. The total yield of
                 3,5-dimethylphenol was 66% under the synthesis route established in this paper. This process was suitable
                 for the synthesis of 3-methyl-5-propylphenol and had certain universality.
                 Key words:  3,5-dimethylphenol; Robinson annulation;  cyclohexanone; dehydrogenation aromatization;
                 fine chemical intermediates

                 3,5-二甲基苯酚是重要的精细化工原料及中间                        毒剂 4-氯-3,5-二甲基苯酚 、杀虫剂灭除威和治疗
            体,许多精细化学品都是通过 3,5-二甲基苯酚的氯                          银屑病的药物阿维 A        [5-6] 等。因此,寻找一种高效的
            化或酰化制得的        [1-3] ,如图 1 所示。例如:常用的消              合成 3,5-二甲基苯酚的方法无疑是十分重要的。但

                 收稿日期:2021-11-09;  定用日期:2022-01-10; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20211139
                 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(21808161, 21978208);中国博士后科学基金(2020T130465)
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