Page 122 - 《精细化工)》2023年第10期
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第 40 卷第 10 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.10
             2 023 年 10 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                  Oct.  2023



                                   唐绪涛 ,穆   蒙            2,3* ,卢国强 ,张永民
                 (1.  江南大学  化学与材料工程学院,江苏  无锡  214122;2.  中石化胜利油田博士后工作站,山东  东营
                 257100;3.  中石化胜利油田石油工程技术研究院,山东  东营  257100)

                 摘要:聚合物凝胶的溶液-凝胶-溶液(sol-gel-sol)转变通常依赖于外界条件(温度、pH 等)的变化,但构建可
                 在恒定条件下实现 sol-gel-sol 转变的凝胶体系依然是一个挑战。采用聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(PHEMA)、乙二醛
                 (GX)和 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)成功构建了一种恒温自发随时间进行 sol-gel-sol 转变的聚合物凝胶体系
                 (HGX)。考察了 GX 质量分数、温度和水质量分数对 HGX 的成胶时间、凝胶强度及降解时间的影响。结果表
                 明,通过改变 GX 质量分数和温度,HGX 可形成弹性模量达 847 Pa 的凝胶,且最快可在 1.5 h 后降解为低黏液
                 体(黏度<30 mPa·s)。FTIR 光谱和 GPC 揭示了 sol-gel-sol 转变的内在机理是缩醛反应和酯基断键的动态竞争。
                 中图分类号:TQ427.26     文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 10-2200-07

                              Solution-gel-solution transition of polyhydroxyethyl
                                    methacrylate/glyoxal crosslinking system

                               TANG Xutao , MU Meng   2,3* , LU Guoqiang , ZHANG Yongmin
                 (1. School of Chemical and Material Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China; 2. Postdoctoral
                 Scientific Research Working Station, Shengli Oilfield Branch Company, SINOPEC, Dongying 257100, Shandong, China;
                 3. Research Institute  of Petroleum Engineering  Technology, Shengli Oilfield Branch Company,  SINOPEC, Dongying
                 257100, Shandong, China)

                 Abstract: Responsive polymer gels, which can  undergo  solution-gel-solution  (sol-gel-sol) transition by
                 responding to external conditions (such  as temperature and  pH),  have attracted  significant attention.
                 However, implementing the sol-gel-sol transition under constant temperature is still a major challenge. A
                 novel polymer  gel (HGX), with  spontaneous  sol-gel-sol transition at  fixed temperature over time, was
                 successfully constructed  from  poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), glyoxal (GX) and
                 N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). The effects of GX mass fraction, temperature and water mass fraction on
                 gelation time, gelation strength and degradation time of HGX were investigated. The results showed that by
                 changing the GX mass fraction and temperature, HGX could form a gel with an elastic modulus of 847 Pa,
                 and degrade to a low viscous liquid (viscosity <30 mPa·s) after 1.5 h. Data from FTIR spectrum and GPC
                 revealed that the intrinsic mechanism of sol-gel-sol transition was attributed to the dynamic competition
                 between acetal reaction and ester group bond breaking.
                 Key words: polyhydroxyethyl methacrylate; glyoxal; acetalation; ester group; solution-gel-solution transition;
                 functional materials

                 收稿日期:2022-12-10;  定用日期:2023-01-31; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221138
                 作者简介:唐绪涛(1999—),男,硕士生,。联系人:穆   蒙(1986—),男,博士后,E-mail:
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