Page 200 - 《精细化工)》2023年第10期
P. 200
第 40 卷第 10 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.40, No.10
2 023 年 10 月 FINE CHEMICALS Oct. 2023
杜永梅,党旭岗 ,王学川
(陕西科技大学 轻工科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710021)
玉米淀粉基抗菌材料(OI)。然后,将 OI 与聚己内酯(PCL)进行共混成膜,制得了氧化玉米淀粉-聚己内酯基
抗菌膜(PO)。通过 FTIR、UV-Vis-NIR 分光光度计、XRD、视频光学接触角测量仪、电子拉力机对所制备的
OI、PO 的结构和性能进行了表征和测试,并评价了 PO 的抗菌性能和生物相容性。结果表明,IAA 与 OCS 主
要通过酯化反应进行结合,制备的 OI 的取代度为 60%、最低抑菌浓度为 0.50 g/L,远低于传统抗生素和大分子
壳聚糖抗菌材料的用量。随着 OI 用量的增加,PO 结晶度下降,透光率下降,接触角略有下降,而抗拉强度先
增加后降低再增加。当 m(PCL)∶m(OI)=4∶1 时,制备的 PO-20 表现出良好的非浸出性、生物相容性。PO-20
对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈直径分别为(15.2±0.10)和(15.0±0.07) mm。
中图分类号:R318.08;TQ317 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 10-2278-08
Preparation and properties of oxidized corn starch-based
nonionic antibacterial films
DU Yongmei, DANG Xugang , WANG Xuechuan
(College of Bioresources Chemical and Materials Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi'an
710021, Shaanxi, China)
Abstract: A new oxidized corn starch-based antimicrobial material (OI) was successfully prepared from
linear grafting of 3-indoleacetic acid (IAA) on oxidized corn starch (OCS) via a simple "one-pot" method,
and further blended with polycaprolactone (PCL) to synthesize oxidized corn starch-polycaprolactone based
antimicrobial films (PO). The structure and properties of the OI and PO obtained were characterized and
analyzed by FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer, XRD, video optical contact angle measuring instrument,
and electronic tensile machine, followed by evaluation on the antibacterial properties and biocompatibility
of PO. The results showed that IAA was covalently grafted to OCS mainly through esterification reaction, and the
obtained OI displayed a substitution degree of 60% with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.50 g/L,
which was much lower than the dosage of traditional antibiotics and macromolecule chitosan antibacterial
materials. With the increase of OI dosage, the PO exhibited decrease in crystallinity, transmittance and contact
angle, while the tensile strength first increased, then decreased and then increased. When m(PCL)∶
m(OI)=4∶1, the prepared PO-20 showed good non-leachability, biocompatibility, and the inhibition zone
diameters of PO-20 on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were (15.2±0.10) mm and (15.0±0.07) mm,
Key words: oxidized starch; polycaprolactone; 3-indoleacetic acid; antibacterial materials
近年来,随着人们环保意识的不断提高,天然 可再生资源进行新型生物基聚合物材料的制备及拓
可生物降解塑料已成为研究的热点 [1-2] 。目前,利用 展其应用范围,被认为是应对传统石油基塑料危害
收稿日期:2022-11-01; 定用日期:2023-03-03; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220992