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第 40 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.40, No.11
             2 023 年 11 月                            FINE CHEMICALS                                 Nov.  2023


                                       焦晓岚,邓   鑫 ,郑   玲,赵秀平
                                 (中南林业科技大学  材料科学与工程学院,湖南  长沙  410004)

                 制备了明胶/石墨烯(Gel/GR)导电水凝胶。考察了 Gel 和 GR 含量对导电水凝胶力学性能和导电性能的影响,
                 采用 FTIR、SEM 对 Gel/GR 导电水凝胶进行了表征。结果表明,Gel/GR 导电水凝胶的拉伸强度达 114.63 kPa,
                 断裂伸长率达 157.85%,电导率可达 6.68×10 S/m,比纯 Gel 水凝胶电导率提高了 2500 倍。且所制备的 Gel/GR
                 导电水凝胶具有良好的抗冻性和黏附性。将 Gel/GR 导电水凝胶作为应变传感器连接电化学工作站,通过稳定且
                 中图分类号:TB332      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2023) 11-2413-08

                               Preparation and sensing application of stretchable
                                        gelatin-based conductive hydrogel

                                  JIAO Xiaolan, DENG Xin , ZHENG Ling, ZHAO Xiuping
                 (School of Materials  Science  and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha
                 410004, Hunan, China)

                 Abstract: Gelatin (Gel)/graphene (GR) conductive hydrogel was synthesized by using Gel and GR as raw
                 materials, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as surfactant, glycerol and water as binary solvent. The Gel/GR
                 conducting hydrogel obtained was then characterized by FTIR and SEM, and the influence of Gel and GR
                 content on its mechanical and electrical properties was further investigated. The results showed that the
                 conducting hydrogel exhibited a tensile strength of 114.63 kPa, an elongation at break of 157.85%, and a
                 conductivity of 6.68×10  S/m, which was 2500 times higher than that of pure Gel hydrogel, as well as good
                 frost  resistance and adhesion. The  Gel/GR conductive hydrogel as  a strain sensor connected to an
                 electrochemical workstation could detect human activity (such as finger bending and wrist bending) with
                 stable and repeatable electrical signals, suggesting its potential applications for personal health monitoring.
                 Key words: conductive hydrogels; gelatin; graphene; frost resistance; sensor; functional materials

                 水凝胶是一种具有三维聚合物网络结构的溶胀                          动中的各种生理刺激,如膝关节弯曲、手指弯曲、
            体,具有柔软、柔韧、含水量丰富但不溶于水等一                             吞咽振动以及语音识别,在医疗应用和仿生学智能
            系列优点,适合作为柔性材料。导电水凝胶在电子                             穿戴方面展现了巨大的前景。HUANG 等                 [11] 采用环
            皮肤   [1-2] 、生物传感器   [3-4] 、超级电容器   [5-6] 、监测人      境友好的聚乙烯醇(PVA)和海藻酸钠(SA),通过
            体活动设备      [7-9] 等诸多领域具有广阔的应用前景,是                  冻融和 Ca 交联法制备了细菌纤维素增强的双物理
            未来柔性电子器件的理想材料。LI 等                [10] 开发了一种       交联水凝胶。该传感器可以准确地检测各种人体运
            以甲基丙烯酰化明胶(GelMA)为核心介电层的透                           动,如关节运动、行走和抓握重物,在可穿戴设备、
            明电容触觉传感器。该传感器可以实时监测人体运                             人机交互、运动监测和电子皮肤的应用中具有很好

                 收稿日期:2022-11-22;  定用日期:2023-04-19; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20221064
                 作者简介:焦晓岚(1998—),女,硕士生,。联系人:邓   鑫(1981—),女,副教授,E-mail:
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