Page 150 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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g836g ㏳ࡃጒ FINE CHEMICALS す 40 ࢤ
ܳ⻨᩵⢴ౕ 99%В̷喑㶕ᬻ TAPE 㛉ڤᰶ㞜ສ⮱
ᓗ⣜Ҭ⩕ᕔȡ䔈̭ₒ䃮ᬻ喑TAPE 㛉ౕ⇦Ⅱܳ⻨
3 㐀䃧
᱙᪴䕇䓴⊥⌺∂ᄳ๖♣Ḻ➖็䚇 TA হ㖇व➖
PEG ࠲㺳ݝ PVDF 㛉㶕䲏喑倅γᩦᕔ PVDF 㛉⮱
⇦ TAPE 㛉ȡᒀ TA क़䛼ͧ 1.75%ᬣ喑ݣิ⮱ TAPE
㛉ᕔ㘪ᰭҠ喑UOCA ͧ 156°喑ោ⇦㘪߈ᑧȡ̻ PVDF
㛉Ⱕ℁喑ݣิ⮱ TAPE 㛉ั⤳ऱⅡ࠲⇦Π⋟⮱ܳ
99.9%喑⇦ⅡΠ⋟⮱㛉䕇䛼倅䓫 1146.4 L/(m ·h)ȡ㐀
㶕ᬻ喑᱙᪴ݣิ⮱ TAPE 㛉ౕ⇦Ⅱܳ⻨䶳ഌڤᰶ㞜
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