Page 152 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫    ㏳   ࡃ    ጒ                                Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.   2023


                                   㘎ᰵ       1,2 喑侙Ⴕ侼 喑䍴䩎倅 喑㓮ᔄ♂                      1*
                 喍1. ๔䔋⤳ጒ๔႓ ㇫㏳ࡃጒపუ䛺◦჋侹ბ ࡃጒ႓䮏喑䓪Ⴎ ๔䔋    116024喠2. ᆞ㺬᫝ࡻ䭟ࡃ㷲ิⵁ⾣
                 䮏ᰶ䭽ڙथ喑ᆞ㺬 ๗࣌    030000喎

                 ᦅ㺮喟В 4-(4-㓌ധ㠜ധ)-2,3-ι⅛ᱯ㥅-1-䚛Ƞ4,4'-ι⅌ι㠜⩟䚛হ 4-⅕ധ㠜䚇ͧ࣌᫆喑䕇䓴͑ₒ̭䨲∂व᜽γ̭
                 ⩟㙵喍DPPH喎⮱ధࡃᕔ㘪ȡⰥ℁λ፥⩕⮱㟠仆ι㘧ధࡃݯ 4,4'-ι⅕ധι㠜ⵉ喍DDS喎喑A-PPEK ⮱ 5%☚๞䛺⍖
                 Ꮣ喍T d5% 喎᣽倅γ 69.3 Ďȡओใ喑̻ DDS ౕ 400 Ďᬣᔘ䕌ࡴࡻ̺ह喑A-PPEK ౕⰥह⍖Ꮣ̸⮱䉕䛼Ԋ⪆⢴Ϻ
                 >95%喑䄡ᬻ A-PPEK जВᰶ᩵㼐۠ᄼܳၽధࡃݯ倅⍖̸ܳ㼐喑ღᭀౕ䗨㠜ι⩟㙵ᴾ㘯͚ᒏ᜽㑧䮤⮱䬛䷅ȡ̭㈨
                 ݄჋侹㶕ᬻ喑В A-PPEK ధࡃ DPPH喑Ҁ㈨ڤᰶхᐯ⮱㔽☚ᕔহߍጒ≮ߕᕔ喑ᒀ A-PPEK क़䛼ͧ DPPH 䉕䛼⮱
                 10%ᬣ喑ధࡃᴾ㘯⮱ T d5% ज䓫 553.2 Ď喑⣨⦰ࡃ䒙अ⍖Ꮣ倅λ჋侹≸䄂㠰డ 380 Ď喑ᰭѻ叼Ꮣज䓫 0.167 Pa·sȡ
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TQ323喠TQ630      ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0838-07

                        Curing of phthalonitrile resin with high-temperature resistant
                                         poly(phthalazinone ether ketone)

                                   HU Yue , MA Shoujun , JIAN Xigao , WENG Zhihuan   1
                 喍1. State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian
                 116024, Liaoning, China; 2. Shanxi Xinhua Chemical Defense Equipment Research Institute Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030000,
                 Shanxi, China喎

                 Abstract:  A  novel  amino  terminated  poly(phthalazinone  ether  ketone)  (A-PPEK)  was  synthesized  from
                 4-(4-hydroxylphenyl)(2H)-phthalazin-1-one, 4,4'-difluoro benzophenone and 4-aminophenol by a two-step
                 one pot method, and its curing performance for resorcinol phthalonitrile (DPPH) was then investigated by
                 differential  scanning calorimetry  (DSC).  Compared with commonly  used  aromatic  diamine  curing  agent
                 4,4'-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), 5% mass loss temperature (T d5% ) of A-PPEK was increased by 69.3  Ď.
                 Moreover, A-PPEK  could  still  retain  more  than  95%  of its  mass  at  400  Ď  while  DDS  displayed rapid
                 sublimation, suggesting that A-PPEK could effectively solve the problem of defects in phthalonitrile resin
                 caused by the decomposition of small molecule curing agent at high temperature. Data from a series of tests
                 showed that the system of DPPH cured with A-PPEK exhibited excellent heat resistance and processability.
                 When A-PPEK content was 10% of DPPH mass, the T d5%  of the cured resin reaching 553.2  Ď, the glass transition
                 temperature higher than the experimental test scope of 380 Ď, and the minimum viscosity up to 0.167 Pa·s.
                 Key  words:  phthalonitrile  resin;  poly(phthalazinone  ether  ketone);  amine  termination;  high-temperature
                 resistant; functional materials

                 䗨㠜ι⩟㙵ᴾ㘯喍PN喎᭜̭ㆨ䛺㺮⮱倅ᕔ㘪☚                         ⮱☚⽠Ⴧᕔহ☚⅔ࡃ⽠ჇᕔȠ㔽ࡃ႓ᕔȠ䭨⛰㜗⚱
            ధᕔᴾ㘯喑⩞λڣౕధࡃ䓴⼸͚чϔ⩌ᐯय़ਇ੶Ƞ                             হѻ॥Ⅱ⢴ぶхᐯᕔ㘪          [4-6] ȡ㔹 PN Ό᭜ੜ̭こव㒻
            ̶ଗ⣜হ䚋㣮⣜ぶϑ㖁㐀Ჱ             [1-3] 喑ϻ㔹Ҭᴾ㘯ڤᰶ倅           ప⊤ۈ䭨⛰ᴴ۳喍MIL-STD-2031喎⮱᱗ᩦᕔᰶᱧᴾ

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-07-19;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-10-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220679
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