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g844g ㏳ࡃጒ FINE CHEMICALS す 40 ࢤ
DPPH-A-PPEK1 ⮱㉜⼜䉕䛼ᢌ⢴ᰭᄼ喑ͧ 3.1%ȡ ᐯ⮱☚⽠Ⴧᕔ喑ज䖬ٺᰶᱧᄼܳၽధࡃݯౕ PN
2.5 ᴾ㘯⮱ߕᔮ☚ᱧᷝᕔ㘪ܳᲽ 倅⍖ధࡃ䓴⼸͚ࣾ⩌ᡒࣾᝃܳ㼐㔹ፓᲒ⮱ᴾ㘯ᕔ㘪
ఫ 8 ͧ DPPH-A-PPEK1 হ DPPH-A-PPEK2 ⮱ ̸䭺⮱䬛䷅ȡA-PPEK ᄦ PN ݺ侞Ҁ DPPH ڤᰶ䒰倅
ו㘪䛼হᢌ㕄ၽᄦᏁ⍖Ꮣअࡃᰟ㏬ȡ ⮱ధࡃ≨ᕔ喑DPPH-A-PPEK1 Ҁ㈨⮱㶕㻯≨ࡃ㘪ᰭ
ѻ喑䓫ݝ 68.3 kJ/mol喑Ҁ㈨⮱ߍጒ⍖Ꮣ⿄ऐᰭც喑
ͧ 194.6 Ď喑叼Ꮣᰭѻ喑ज䓫 0.167 Pa·s喑ధࡃᴾ㘯
⮱ T d5% 倅䓫 553.2 Ďȡᒀ A-PPEK क़䛼ͧ 40%ᬣ喑
Ҁ㈨ 200 Ď̸⮱܊㘣ᬣ䬡ज㑖ⴚ㜠 10.4 minȡ᱙᪴
̺ϲӈγ̭⮱ PN ధࡃݯ䃫䃎ゃ⪒喑㔹́ᄦ
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᱙្᪴䖀γ̭⅕ധᄮ〜㖇㟠䛇䚛⮱ PN ಸ
ధࡃݯ A-PPEK喑ڣڤᰶ℁፥⩕⮱ᄼܳၽ DDS ᰡх 喍̸䒙す 910 䶢喎