Page 183 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
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す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫   ㏳   ࡃ   ጒ                                  Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.  2023


                            㦐๖Ⴔ喑命   ẍ喑݅㟛ଶ喑ႆ   Ო 喑ᑍ   Ⴎ喑䭵⊤⋈
                        喍ࡄϙጯ丌৮䷻ঠࡃ႓䛺◦჋侹ბ喑ࡄϙጒੳ๔႓  䒨ጒ⻾႓ឭᱜ႓䮏喑ࡄϙ  100048喎

                 ᦅ㺮喟ͧᣏ⾣䱿㟞ḿহ㏏㟞ḿ⮱仆⅁ጛᐯ喑ݖ⩕⏣ݯ䒲ߖ䷻ঠ㧥ࣾ∂᣽ः㟞ḿ͚⮱ᡒࣾᕔ᜽ܳ喑䕇䓴 GC-MS
                 䚴喍OAV g =768.693ȠOAV r =43.051喎Ƞᰵᵯ☜喍OAV g =43.774ȠOAV r =49.699喎হᵶण⇦䚴喍OAV g =12.909Ƞ
                 OAV r =87.847喎ᄦ䱿Ƞ㏏㟞ḿ⮱᪡Ҁ仆⅁䉎⡛Ꮣ̺ह喑ₑั喑OAV g হ OAV r ܳݘА㶕䱿Ƞ㏏㟞ḿ⮱ OAVȡ
                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TS209喠O657      ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0869-09

                  Comparative analysis of key flavor substances of green and red pepper

                           DONG Tianyu, QI Nan, LIU Ruijia, SUN Jie , ZHANG Ning, CHEN Haitao
                 喍Beijing Key Laboratory of Flavor Chemistry, School of Light Industry, Beijing Technology and Business University,
                 Beijing 100048, China喎

                 Abstract: In  order to explore the aroma difference  between  green  pepper and  red pepper, the volatile
                 components  of  green and  red pepper were extracted by solvent-assisted  flavor evaporation, then
                 qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by GC-MS. The key flavor substances of different pepper were
                 identified by aroma extract dilution analysis combined with gas chromatography-olfactometry. Furthermore,
                 the odor activity value (OAV) were calculated to determine the relative contribution of each compound to
                 the odor of different pepper. The results showed that the key aroma active substances of green pepper were
                 linalool,  ȕ-phellandrene, myrcene, eudesmol, limonene and sabinene,  while those  of red  pepper  were
                 linalool, myrcene, eudesmol, imonene and sabinene. The main reason for the aroma differences was
                 attributed to that green pepper consisted of more kinds of alkene, alcohols, aldehydes, ethers, while red
                 pepper contained more types of esters. Moreover, linalool (OAV g=768.693 and  OAV r=43.051), myrcene
                 (OAV g=43.774 and  OAV r=49.699) and eucalyptol  (OAV g=12.909 and  OAV r=87.847) had different
                 contributions to the overall aroma of green and red pepper, with OAV g and OAV r representing the OAV of
                 green and red pepper, respectively.
                 Key words: green pepper (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. et Zucc); red pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum
                 Maxim.); aroma extraction dilution analysis; solvent-assisted flavor  evaporation;  odor activity value;
                 perfumes and essences

                 ڕ⤰㟞ḿᆋ喍Zanthoxylum L.喎Ḻ➖㏓ᰶ 250 ⻺ 喑             㟞ḿ㷘ܳͧĄ䱿㟞ḿą̻Ą㏏㟞ḿą 喑᭜͚పэ
            ͚పႅౕ㏓ 45 ⻺ࣷ 13 ͗अ⻺ ȡౕᬒ፥⩌≨͚喑                        㐌Ąژ๔䄰ঠ৮ą͸̭ ȡ㟞ḿ҉ͧĄ㢜丌ह⎽ą

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-10-18;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-12-08; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220957
                 ҉㔲キϸ喟㦐๖Ⴔ喍1999ÿ喎喑ຠ喑ⶂธ⩌喑E-mail喟dty19991030@163.comȡ㖁㈨ϧ喟ႆ   Ო喍1988ÿ喎喑ຠ喑䃟ጵ喑E-mail喟
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