Page 62 - 精细化工2019年第10期
P. 62
第 36 卷第 10 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.10
2019 年 10 月 FINE CHEMICALS Oct. 2019
BODIPY 荧光二向性液晶染料的制备及性能
(大连理工大学 精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116024)
摘要:以 8-(4-碘苯基)氟硼吡咯为原料,与 4-乙炔基苯基胆甾醇酯或 4-乙炔基苯戊基双环己基甲醇酯进行
Sonogashira 偶联反应,制备了两个含氟的荧光二向性液晶染料 DC-1 和 DC-2,其化学结构均由 HNMR、 CNMR
和 HRMS 鉴定。将染料 DC-1 和 DC-2 进行光谱测试,最大吸收波长和最大发射波长分别在 503 和 517 nm,发
亮绿色荧光。基于宾-主(G-H)效应,将染料 DC-1 和 DC-2 作为宾体组分溶于主体液晶 E7 中,测得 DC-2 在
液晶 E7 中的吸收二向色比高达 8.91,有序参数为 0.73,可应用在宾-主型液晶显示器(GH-LCD)中。经差热
扫描量热仪(DSC)测试,染料 DC-1 和 DC-2 在一定温度范围内具有介晶性质,并通过偏光显微镜(POM)验
证了 DC-1 和 DC-2 的液晶织构。
中图分类号:TQ617 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 10-2028-07
Preparation and Properties of BODIPY Fluorescent
Dichroic Liquid Crystal Dyes
PAN Rou-chen, LI Xiao-lian
(State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals,Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China)
Abstract: Two fluorinated fluorescent dichroic liquid crystal dyes DC-1 and DC-2 were synthesized by
Sonogashira coupling reaction of 8-(4-iodophenyl) fluoroboropyrrol with cholesteryl 4-ethynylbenzoic acid
or 4-[(1s,4r)-4-pentylcyclohexyl]cyclohexyl 4-ethynylbenzoate. Their chemical structures were identified
by HNMR, CNMR and HRMS. After the spectrum test conducted on dyes DC-1 and DC-2, their
maximum absorption wavelengths and maximum emission wavelengths were 503 nm and 517 nm,
respectively. They emitted green fluorescence. Based on the Guest-Host (G-H) effect, dyes DC-1 and DC-2
as the guest component were dissolved in the host liquid crystal E7, the absorption dichroic ratio of DC-2 in
the host liquid crystal E7 was as high as 8.91, and the ordered parameter was 0.73. Thus, dye DC-2 can be
used in the Guest-Host liquid crystal display (GH-LCD). The mesomorphic properties of dyes DC-1 and
DC-2 were tested by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) in a certain temperature range. The liquid
crystal texture of dyes DC-1 and DC-2 was verified by polarizing microscope (POM).
Key words: Guest-Host (G-H) effect; BODIPY; fluorescent dichroic dye; dichroicratio; ordered parameter;
liquid crystal phase; functional materials
宾-主型液晶显示(GH-LCD)是实现彩色液晶 型液晶混合体系 。当该体系被施加电压时,染料
显示的重要模式,相比于薄膜晶体管液晶显示 分子可随液晶分子的取向发生有序偏转,从而产生
(TFT-LCD) [1-2] ,该模式不仅可以用自然光代替 宾-主(G-H)效应。由于二向性染料在光学上具有
LED 背光源,还能减少甚至不需要使用偏振片,因 吸收各向异性特点,因此,在 G-H 效应下可以对自
此,可以有效地提高光源利用率 [3-4] 。若在液晶主材料 然光起到偏振化作用。
中掺杂少量宾体二向色性染料,可以构成“宾-主” 为了能更好地配合主体液晶的有序取向,宾体
收稿日期:2019-04-11; 定用日期:2019-04-30; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190302