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第 36 卷第 2 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.2
             201 9 年 2 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Feb.    2019


                                 孔翔飞,俞建文,宫宏康,姚   威,王桂霞
                      (桂林理工大学  化学与生物工程学院,广西矿业与环境科学实验中心,广西  桂林    541004)

                 中图分类号:O625      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 02-0181-09

                 Research Progress of Liquid Crystal with Aggregation-Induced Emission

                         KONG Xiang-fei, YU Jian-wen, GONG Hong-kang, YAO Wei, WANG Gui-xia
                 (Guangxi Scientific Experiment Center of Mining, Metallurgy and Environment, College of Chemistry and Bioengineering,
                 Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, Guangxi, China)

                 Abstract: Tetraphenylethene, diphenylacrylonitrile, diphenylacetylene, triphenylene decorated with aggregation-
                 induced  emission  (AIE)  and  other  liquid  crystal  materials  are  introduced.  Their  AIE  and  liquid  crystal
                 properties  are  mainly  described  and  their  structure-activity  relationship  is  also  illustrated.  Literatures
                 reported show the use of light-emitting liquid crystal materials in optoelectronic devices can greatly reduce
                 costs and energy consumption. Finally, it is pointed out that in the synthesis of such luminescent liquid
                 crystal materials, it is necessary to reasonably utilize AIE and liquid crystal groups and the future study
                 should focus on the luminous mechanism of such materials and their extension of the application range.
                 Key  words:  aggregation-induced  emission;  liquid  crystal;  structure-activity  relationship;  optoelectronic
                 Foundation  items:  National  Natural  Science  Foundation  of  China  (11364013);  Project  of  Education
                 Department  of  Guangxi  Province  (KY2015YB129);  Opening  Fund  of  Guangxi  Key  Laboratory  of
                 Electrochemical and Magneto Chemical Functional Materials (EMFM20162202) and the Startup Foundation
                 for Doctor of Guilin University of Technology

                 液晶材料因具有晶体的各向异性和液体的流动                              2001 年,唐本忠      [3] 课题组发现硅杂环戊二烯
            性,在光电材料领域有着重要的应用 。然而,液                             (Silole)衍生物具有聚集发光现象,并将这种现象
            晶分子和大多数发光基团一样,在聚集时会出现荧                             定义为聚集诱导发光(Aggregation-Induced  Emission,
            光淬灭现象(Aggregation-Caused Quenching, ACQ);          AIE)。2003 年,Chen 等在研究聚集诱导发光现象
            若通过简单的化学修饰,使其在聚集态或结晶态时                             的发光机理时认为,随着向有机相中加入不良溶剂,
            能够自发光,将极大地拓展这类材料的应用范围并                             Silole 衍生物在有机相中浓度不断增大,分子内旋转
            优化光电器件 。                                           受限而引起聚集发光。2014 年,Leung 等通过量子

                 收稿日期:2018-05-07;  定用日期:2018-08-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180326
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