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第 36 卷第 2 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.2
             201 9 年 2 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Feb.    2019


                                                  闫亚男,梁   兵
                                   (沈阳化工大学  材料科学与工程学院,辽宁  沈阳    110142)

                 通过 FTIR 和 ESI-MS 对 PAEPA 的结构进行了表征。并将 PAEPA 混入环氧树脂(EP)中制备了阻燃环氧树脂,
                 通过 TGA、UL-94 测试和 LOI 测试考察了用三乙烯四胺(TETA)固化的环氧树脂的阻燃性和热性能。结果表
                 明,当 w(P)=2.6%时,环氧热固性材料表现出优异的阻燃性能,并通过了 UL94 实验的 V-0 等级,LOI 为 29.8%。
                 热重分析结果表明:800  ℃的残炭量为 17.7%。SEM 结果表明:EP/TETA 体系中的 PAEPA 明显促进环氧树脂
                 中图分类号:TB324;O627.51      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 02-0316-06

                           Synthesis of Phosphorus-nitrogen Flame Retardant and
                                          Its Application in Epoxy Resin

                                                YAN Ya-nan, LIANG Bing
                 (School of Material Science  and  Technology, Shenyang University of Chemical  Technology, Shenyang  110142,
                 Liaoning, China)

                 Abstract:  A  novel  flame  retardant  additive,  phenylphosphonium  diaminobisethyltetraphosphonic  acid
                 (PAEPA),  was  synthesized  from  phosphoric  acid,  acetonitrile  and  phenylphosphonic  dichloride  (PPDC).
                 The structure of PAEPA was characterized by FTIR and ESI-MS. PAEPA was blended into epoxy resin to
                 prepare flame-retardant epoxy resins. The flame-retardant and thermal properties of epoxy resins cured with
                 triethylene tetramine (TETA) were investigated by TGA, vertical burning test (UL-94), and limiting oxygen
                 index (LOI). The results revealed that the epoxy thermosets containing 2.6% phosphorus exhibited excellent
                 flame retardancy and passed the UL 94 V-0 rating, its LOI value was 29.8%. The residual char yield at
                 800 ℃  was 17.7%. The morphology characterization of char residue by SEM showed that a denser, richer
                 sealing residue char could be formed by the presence of PAEPA in EP/TETA system, which improved the
                 flame-retardant properties of the matrix during combustion.
                 Key words: epoxy resin; flame retardant; PAEPA; mechanical properties; rubber and plastics auxiliaries
                 Foundation item: International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Projects of China

                 环氧树脂(EP)作为一种重要的热固性聚合物                         泛的做法是在环氧树脂中混入固化剂之后再加入阻
            材料,具有优异的机械性能、电绝缘性能、热导率                             燃剂  [6-9] 。含磷、氮的阻燃剂具有阻燃效率高、在燃
            和耐化学腐蚀性能         [1-2] 。但环氧树脂材料易燃,其极               烧过程中无有毒有害物质产生、添加量小等优点,
            限氧指数仅为 19.8%,存在巨大的火灾隐患,对环                          成为了阻燃环氧树脂的研究热点               [10-13] 。
            氧树脂进行阻燃意义非凡            [3-5] 。目前采用的传统且广                沈聃  [14] 等合成了二苯氧基磷酸三聚氰胺盐

                 收稿日期:2018-09-11;  定用日期:2018-10-18; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180673
                 作者简介:闫亚男(1993—),女,硕士生。联系人:梁   兵(1968—),男,教授,电话:024-89387760,。
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