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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019

               基于 DFT 和 UV-Vis 的金丝桃苷印迹相互作用分析

                           刘   军    1,2 ,杨鲁伟      3,4 ,张振涛      3,4 ,樊永明      1,2* ,刘永升
                 (1.  北京林业大学  材料科学与技术学院,北京    100083;2.  林木生物质化学北京市重点实验室,北京
                 100083;3.  中国科学院理化技术研究所,北京    100190;4.  中国科学院大学,北京    100049;5.  中国石
                 油大学  理学院,北京    102249)

                 法对 HYP、丙烯酰胺(AM)、衣康酸(IA)及其不同摩尔比例的 HYP-AM 和 HYP-IA 复合物进行理论计算和
                 紫外光谱的测定,使用分子静电势(MEP)预测 HYP、AM 和 IA 的印迹活性位点,探讨 HYP 和 AM(IA)分
                 子间相互作用的印迹机理。结果表明:HYP 中 O11 可与 AM 中 H9(或 H10)以及 IA 中 H2(或 H15)形成强
                 氢键作用,而 O12—H13、O15—H16、O25—H26、O27—H28、O41—H42、O44—H45、O47—H48、O52—H53
                 可与 AM 中 O7 以及 IA 中 O4(或 O13)形成强氢键作用。HYP-AM 和 HYP-IA 复合物系统的高摩尔比可以增
                 加复合物的总相互作用能量。通过筛选不同功能单体可以增强活性位点之间的相互作用强度。HYP 与 AM(IA)
                 之间发生的强氢键作用导致Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ吸收峰发生红移,同时验证了 DFT 理论计算的准确性。HYP-AM 和 HYP-IA
                 复合物的最优印迹比分别为 n(HYP)∶n(AM)=1∶8 和 n(HYP)∶n(IA)=1∶7,且 HYP-IA 比 HYP-AM 的相互作用
                 力更强,IA 是更好的功能单体。
                 中图分类号:R284.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-0882-10

                 Imprinting Interaction Analysis of Hyperoside Based on DFT and UV-Vis

                     LIU Jun , YANG Lu-wei , ZHANG Zhen-tao , FAN Yong-ming      1,2* , LIU Yong-sheng
                 (1. College of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Beijing Key
                 Laboratory of Lignocellulosic Chemistry, Beijing  100083,  China;  3.  Technical  Institute of Physics and Chemistry,
                 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,
                 China; 5. College of Science, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China)
                 Abstract: To improve the imprinting efficiency of hyperoside (HYP), the theoretical calculation and UV spectral
                 determination  of  HYP,  acrylamide  (AM),  itaconic  acid  (IA),  and  its  different  molar  ratios  of  HYP-AM  and
                 HYP-IA complexes were carried out by the method of density functional theory (DFT) and the experiment of
                 ultraviolet-visible  absorption  spectroscopy  (UV-Vis).  The  imprinted  active  sites  of  HYP,  AM  and  IA  were
                 predicted by using  the  molecular  electrostatic potential (MEP). The  imprinting  mechanism  of  the  interaction
                 between  HYP  and  AM  (IA)  molecules  was  discussed.  The  results  show  that  O11  of  HYP  can  form  strong
                 hydrogen bonds with H9 (or H10) of AM, and H2 (or H15) of IA. While O12—H13, O15—H16, O25—H26,
                 O27—H28, O41—H42, O44—H45, O47—H48 and O52—H53 can form strong hydrogen bonds with O7 of AM,
                 and  O4  (or  O13)  of  IA.  The  high  molar  ratios  of  HYP-AM  and  HYP-IA  complexes  can  increase  the  total
                 interaction energy of the complex. The strength of the interaction between the active sites can be enhanced by
                 selecting different functional monomers. The strong hydrogen-bond interaction between HYP and AM (IA) leads
                 to  partial  redshifts  of  the  absorption  peak  of  Ⅰ,  Ⅱ and  Ⅳ.  Moreover,  the  accuracy  of  DFT  method  was
                 verified. The optimal imprinting molar ratios of HYP-AM and HYP-IA complexes were n(HYP)∶n(AM)=1∶8
                 and  n(HYP)∶n(IA)=1∶7,  respectively.  HYP-IA  has  stronger  interaction  with  HYP-AM,  and  IA  is  a  better

                 收稿日期:2018-08-22;  定用日期:2018-12-28; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180616
                 作者简介:刘   军(1989—),男,博士生。联系人:樊永明(1962—),男,博士,教授,E-mail:。
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