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第 36 卷第 7 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.7
201 9 年 7 月 FINE CHEMICALS J u l y 2019
徐 健 ,何林莉 ,景希玮 ,郑柏存
(1. 上海三瑞高分子材料股份有限公司,上海 200231;2. 华东理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海
陶瓷改性,得到涂覆 PE 隔膜,并对其表面张力、接触角、浸润性、吸液率、热收缩及电化学性能进行了测定。
结果表明:加入浆料质量 0.10%的含氟表面活性剂后,浆料表面张力由 37.0 mN/m 降低至 28.5 mN/m。涂覆 PE
隔膜对比 PE 隔膜,润湿性和耐热性能以及电化学性能均得到明显改善,吸液率由 85%提高到 165%,150 ℃的
热收缩率从 67.20%降至 3.00%以内。200 次循环,涂覆 PE 隔膜和 PE 隔膜的容量保持率分别为 90.2%、84.7%,
不同倍率下涂覆 PE 隔膜组装的电池,放电容量总是高于原 PE 隔膜组装的电池的放电容量,交流阻抗、伏安循
关键词:氧化铝;丙烯酸酯乳液;PE 隔膜;陶瓷浆料;功能材料
中图分类号:TQ152; TB383.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 07-1321-05
Preparation and Properties of Al 2O 3/Acrylate Emulsion
Modified Polyethylene Separators
XU Jian , HE Lin-li , JING Xi-wei , ZHENG Bai-cun
(1. Shanghai Sunrise Polymer Material Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200231, China; 2. School of Materials Science and
Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Abstract: Polyethylene (PE) separators for lithium ion batteries were modified by alumina particles using
acrylate emulsion as binder and water as dispersion medium. The PE separators were characterized by
surface tension, contact angle testing, electrolyte wettability, electrolyte uptake, thermal resistance, as well
as electrochemical testing. The results showed that the surface tension of ceramic slurry decreased from
37.0 mN/m to 28.5 mN/m when 0.10% (mass fraction) fluoro-containing surfactant was added. Compared
with those of bare PE separators, the wettability, heat resistance and electrochemical performance of coated
PE separators were improved. The electrolyte uptake of the coated PE separators increased from 85% to
165%, and the thermal shrinkage decreased from 67.20% to 3.00% at 150 ℃. The capacity retention of
bare PE separators were only 84.7% in 200 cycles, while that of the coated PE separators reached 90.2% at
the same condition. The discharge capacity of the battery assembled with the coated PE separators at
different rates was always higher than that of the battery assembled with bare PE separators, while the
performance of ac impedance and volt-ampere cycle were similar.
Key words: alumina; acrylate emulsion; PE separators; ceramic slurry; functional materials
2016 年中国产业界锂电池隔膜产量为 9.3 亿 温自闭性能等优点,但是热收缩和机械强度较差 。
m ,特别是 3C、新能源汽车产业推动了隔膜生产技 当电池局部温度超过 160 ℃时,隔膜易失去机械完
术的快速发展 。目前,商品化的锂离子电池隔膜有 整性,出现大面积收缩导致正负极接触,使电池面
聚丙烯膜(PP)、PE 或多层复合膜。聚烯烃隔膜的 临高温下燃烧和爆炸的危险 [3-5] 。
广泛应用显示出具有合理的成本、化学稳定性及高 PP 或 PE 是一种非极性材料,它与强极性的电
收稿日期:2018-10-11; 定用日期:2019-03-11; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg. 20180748
作者简介:徐 健(1984—),男,硕士。联系人:郑柏存(1963—),男,教授,博士生导师,。