Page 243 - 精细化工2019年第8期
P. 243

第 36 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.8
             201 9 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.    2019


                            陆婷婷,丁   峰,陈   斌,潘永飞,赵宝东,汪营磊
                                         (西安近代化学研究所,陕西  西安    710065)

                 摘要:以氰基乙酸甲酯为原料,经过取代、环化成盐、水解制备 3-氨基呋咱-4-羧酸。利用红外光谱、核磁共振
                 影响及反应溶剂、pH、温度对酸化反应的影响,发现增加氢氧化钾用量、提高反应温度、降低体系 pH 有利于
                 2∶1,缩合温度 25 ℃,缩合时间 2 h,环化温度 80 ℃,环化时间 2 h,溶剂水 50 mL;最佳酸化反应条件为:
                 溶剂水 30 mL,pH≤1,反应温度 5 ℃,环化成盐反应和酸化反应的总收率为 79.73%,高于文献报道的 64%。
                 中图分类号:TJ55; O626      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 08-1731-05

                                Synthesis of 3-Aminofurazan-4-carboxylic Acid

                     LU Ting-ting, DING Feng, CHEN Bin, PAN Yong-fei, ZHAO Bao-dong, WANG Ying-lei
                                (Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi'an 710065, Shaanxi, China)

                 Abstract: 3-Aminofurazan-4-carboxylic acid was synthesized from methyl cyanoacetate via substitution,
                 annulation-salt forming reaction and hydrolysis. The structure of the product was characterized by FTIR,
                 NMR  and  MS.  The  effects  of  molar  ratio  of  reactants,  reaction  temperature,  reaction  time  and  solvent
                 dosage on the annulation-salt forming reaction were investigated. The effects of solvent, pH and reaction
                 time on the acidification reaction were also studied. It was found that increasing the dosage of potassium
                 hydroxide, raising the reaction temperature, and decreasing the pH value of the system were beneficial to
                 increasing  the  yield  of  the  target  product.  The  best  annulation-salt  forming  reaction  conditions  were  as
                 follows∶n(hydroxylamine hydrochloride)∶n(KOH)∶n〔methyl-2-cyano-2-(hydroxyimino)acetate〕=1∶
                 2∶1,  condensation  reaction  temperature  25 ℃,  condensation  reaction  time  2  h,  cyclization  temperature
                 80 ℃,  reaction  time  2  h,  water  as  solvent  50  mL.  The  best  acidification  reaction  conditions  were  that
                 reaction temperature 5 ℃, pH≤1 and water 30 mL. The total yield of annulation-salt forming reaction and
                 hydrolysis was 79.73%, higher than 64% reported in literature.
                 Key words: 3-aminofurazan-4-carboxylic acid; annulation-salt forming reaction; acidification reaction; fine
                 chemical intermediates

                 呋咱类化合物是一种工业上常见的杂环化合                           领域,以呋咱基为爆炸基团的含能衍生物 3,4-二氨
            物,在制药、医用材料、含能材料中均有广泛的应                             基呋咱基氧化呋咱(DATF)和 3,4-双(4-硝基呋
            用 [1-5] 。呋咱环是一类重要的 NO 供体,可用于合成                     咱-3-基)氧化呋咱(DNTF)是典型的高能物质                  [7-9] ,
            抑制白血病或其他癌细胞中核酸及蛋白质的药物,                             可用于固体推进剂和混合炸药,提升武器系统的能
            近年来还发现一些呋咱环化合物对艾滋病毒有较好                             量水平。
            的抑制作用 。在民用领域,呋咱类化合物常用作                                 3-氨基呋咱-4-羧酸是合成呋咱、氧化呋咱、吡
            金属抛光剂、防腐剂、照相感光促进剂等。在国防                             咯呋咱等化合物的重要中间体。以 3-氨基呋咱-4-羧

                 收稿日期:2018-11-15;  定用日期:2019-03-19; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180847
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