Page 215 - 《精细化工》2020年第1期
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第 37 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.1
             202 0 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Jan.    2020


                                 万   烨    1,2,3 ,肖   劲    1,4 ,严大洲      2,3 ,刘见华      2,3

                 (1.  中南大学  冶金与环境学院,湖南  长沙    410083;2.  多晶硅制备技术国家工程实验室,河南  洛阳
                 471000;3.  洛阳中硅高科技有限公司,河南  洛阳    471000;4.  难冶有色金属资源高效利用国家工程实验
                 室,湖南  长沙    410083)

                 氯硅烷,考察了各因素对甲基二氯硅烷去除率的影响。结果表明,光氯化反应的最优条件为:n(Cl 2 )∶
                 n(CH 4 Cl 2 Si)=5∶1,反应温度 50 ℃,紫外光波长为 365 nm,光强为 15 W,反应时间为 20 s。在最优条件下,产
                 品中甲基二氯硅烷含量小于 5×10         –8   g/g,去除率达到 99.67%;反应产物中出现少量四氯化硅,是聚氯硅烷和三
                 3×10 atoms/cm ,达到电子一级品指标。
                 中图分类号:TQ264.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 01-0201-07

                             Removal of methyldichlorosilane from trichlorosilane
                                          via photochemical chlorination

                                     Wan Ye 1,2,3 , Xiao Jin , Yan Dazhou , Liu Jianhua
                 (1.  School of  Metallurgy and  Environment,  Central South University, Changsha  410083, Hunan, China;  2. National
                 Engineering Laboratory of Polysilicon Manufacturing  Technology, Luoyang  471000, Henan,  China;  3. China  Silicon
                 Corporation Ltd., Luoyang  471000,  Henan, China;  4. National  Engineering Laboratory  of High Efficiency Recovery of
                 Refractory Nonferrous Metals, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China)

                 Abstract: A continuous flow micro-channel reactor was used to selectively remove methyldichlorosilane by
                 photochlorination reaction using trichlorosilane and chlorine as raw materials. The effect of various factors
                 on  the  removal  rate  of  methyldichlorosilane  was  investigated.  The  results  showed  that  the  optimal
                 conditions  for  photochlorination  reaction  were  obtained  as  follows: n(Cl 2)∶n(CH 4Cl 2Si)=5∶1,  reaction
                 temperature 50 ℃, UV wavelength 365 nm, light intensity 15 W, reaction time 20 s. Under these conditions,
                 the content of methyldichlorosilane in the product was less than 5×10  g/g, the removal rate reached to
                 99.67%. A small amount of silicon tetrachloride was found in the reaction product, which was formed by
                 chlorination of polychlorosilane and trichlorosilane. The polycrystalline silicon prepared by the prepared
                 trichlorosilane in the evaluating furnace had a carbon content of less than 3×10 atoms/cm , which met the
                 requirements of the first-grade electronic products.
                 Key words: micro-channel; photochlorination; trichlorosilane; methyldichlorosilane; fine chemical intermediates

                 高纯三氯氢硅(SiHCl 3 )是电子级多晶硅以及                     在,并容易在氢还原条件下沉积在多晶硅和外延晶
            半导体芯片制造中外延沉积的重要原材料,对纯度                             圆上,从而诱导晶体缺陷,影响器件的击穿电压和
            有很高的要求,在 SiHCl 3 的合成过程中会引入碳杂                       漏电流   [1-2] 。在单晶拉制过程中,如果碳浓度超过其
            质,其主要以甲基二氯硅烷(CH 4 Cl 2 Si)的形式存                     饱和浓度,则会有 SiC 颗粒形成,导致多晶体的形

                 收稿日期:2019-04-28;  定用日期:2019-06-05; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190374
                 作者简介:万   烨(1982—),男,博士,。
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