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·814·                             精细化工   FINE CHEMICALS                                 第 37 卷

                 由图 7 可知,当 PVC+ATAL 和 PVC+ATAL/PER             [2]   YANG Zhanfeng (杨占峰), ZHANG Yuxi (张玉玺), YU Xiaoli (于
                                                                   晓丽),  et al.  Application  of  a  new  rare  earth  co-heat  stabilizers  in
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                                                                   PVC profile[J]. Chinese Rare Earth (稀土), 2016, 37(6): 49-54.
            ATAL/PER 复合热稳定剂(图中细小的颗粒)均较                         [3]   WANG  M,  SONG  X  H,  JIANG  J  C,  et al.  Influence  of  zeolitic
            好地分散在 PVC 颗粒表面。当 PVC+  ATAL 和                          imidazolate  framework-8  on  the  thermal  stabilization  of  poly(vinyl
                                                                   chloride)[J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2018, 149: 112-118.
            PVC+ATAL/PER 两个样品降解时间为 30 min 时,                   [4]   YU Xiaoli (于晓丽), YANG Zhanfeng (杨占峰), ZHANG Yuxi (张
            ATAL 和 ATAL/PER 复合热稳定剂仍然分散在 PVC                        玉玺), et al. Preparation of cerium stearate compound heat stabilizer
                                                                   and  application  in  PVC  formwork[J].  Chinese  Rare  Earth  (稀土),
            颗粒表面,但此时添加 ATAL 的 PVC 样品已经发生                           2018, 39(2): 18-24.
            降解,颜色开始加深,表面棱角也逐渐减少,而添                             [5]   ZHANG  Ning  (张宁),  LI  Deling  (李德玲),  YANG  Jing  (杨静).
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                                                                   PVC properities[J]. China Plastics (中国塑料), 2013, 27(7): 81-85.
            慢,颜色未发生明显变化,表面形貌也变化不大。                             [6]   LI Mei (李梅), WANG Xiaochuan (王晓川), WU Jinxiu (吴锦绣), et
            但当 PVC+ATAL 和 PVC+ATAL/PER 两个样品降解                      al.  Study  on  alkali  type  lanthanum  citrate  as  a  heat  stabilizer  of
                                                                   PVC[J]. Chinese Rare Earths, 2017, 38(3): 60-67.
            时间为 60  min 时,添加 ATAL 的 PVC 样品已发生                  [7]   LIU Zhaogang (柳召刚), DONG Xin (董昕), HU Yanhong (胡艳宏),
            明显的熔融,样品颜色进一步加深,说明 PVC 明显                              et al.  synthesis  of  lanthanum  iso-nicotinate  and  its  heat-stabilizing
            降解,共轭双键增多          [18-19] ;而添加 ATAL/PER 复合            effect on PVC[J]. China Plastics (中国塑料), 2018, 32(11): 117-123.
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            热稳定剂的 PVC 样品颗粒间虽也有熔融粘连,但样                              lanthanum (III) with N-(2-amino ethyl) maleamic acid radical and its
            品颜色变化不明显,仅较 30 min 时略有加深,而样                            application to PVC as thermal stabilizer[J]. Polymer Degradation and
                                                                   Stability, 2016, 124: 87-94.
            品表面的热稳定剂则与 PVC 相容良好。综合以上分                          [9]   YE Q F, MA X T, LI B B, et al. Development and investigation of
            析,说明 ATAL 对 PVC 的热降解具有一定的抑制作                           lanthanum sulfadiazine with calcium stearate and epoxidisedsoyabeanoil
                                                                   as complex thermal stabilizers for stabilizing poly(vinyl chloride)[J].
            用,而与 PER 复配后,二者间可发挥较好的协同作                              Polymers, 2019, 11(3): 531. DOI: 10.3390/polym11030531.
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                (3)协同性实验及扫描电镜观察表明,ATAL                             novel  cardanol  derived  plasticizer[J].  IOP  Conf  Series:  Materials
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