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第 37 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.4
             202 0 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.  2020


                      罗明良      1,2 ,巩锦程 ,战永平              1,2 ,司晓冬 ,罗   帅 ,李钦朋
                 〔1.  非常规油气开发教育部重点实验室  中国石油大学(华东),山东  青岛  266580;2.  中国石油大学(华
                 东)  石油工程学院,山东  青岛  266580〕
                 环境友好型耐高温交联酸 EAC-1。结合 FTIR、流变测试、SEM 等分析了乳酸与葡萄糖酸混合形成的复合酸溶
                 蚀 CaCO 3 的协同作用机理以及交联酸 EAC-1 的流变性、微观结构以及破胶性能,明确了交联酸的反应速率常数
                 及其反应动力学方程。结果表明,当乳酸及葡萄糖酸物质的量比为 1∶1 时,乳酸和葡萄糖酸可与 Ca 通过共价
                 键作用形成一种具有高溶解度的螯合物,使残酸中无二次沉淀生成;当 PEI 质量分数为 0.12%时, 170 s 、110 ℃
                 下交联酸黏度保持在 50 mPa·s 以上;交联剂 PEI 与稠化剂形成的立体网状结构保证体系具有良好的耐温耐剪切
                 能力,且交联酸破胶均匀,无残渣,破胶液黏度仅为 4.2 mPa·s;EAC-1 的反应速率常数比以盐酸为主体酸的交
                 联酸 HC-1 小 1 个数量级,表明 EAC-1 交联酸具有良好的缓速性能,有利于延长酸液有效作用距离。
                 中图分类号:TE357.2; TE39      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 04-0834-07

              Performance and reaction kinetics of environmental-friendly crosslinked acid

                  LUO Mingliang , GONG Jincheng , ZHAN Yongping , SI Xiaodong , LUO Shuai , LI Qinpeng
                 〔1. Key Laboratory of Unconventional Oil & Gas Development , Ministry of Education, China University of Petroleum (East
                 China),Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China; 2. School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China),
                 Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China〕
                 Abstract: An environmental-friendly crosslinked acid (EAC-1) with  high-temperature resistance  was
                 prepared  by solution blending method  using lactic acid, gluconic acid,  polyethyleneimine (PEI) and
                 polyacrylamide thickener as main raw materials. The synergistic mechanism of CaCO 3 dissolution by
                 complex acid composed of lactic acid and gluconic acid, the rheology, microstructures and gel breaking
                 properties of EAC-1 were analyzed by FTIR, rheological test, SEM and so on. The reaction rate constant
                 and reaction kinetic equation of crosslinked acid were also determined. The results showed that when the
                 molar ratio of lactic acid to gluconic acid was 1∶1, lactic acid and gluconic acid could form a chelate with
                 high-solubility with Ca  through covalent bond, and no secondary precipitation happened in the residual
                 acid. The viscosity of crosslinked acid maintained above 50 mPa·s at 170 s  and 110 ℃ when the mass
                 fraction of PEI was 0.12%. The three- dimensional network structure formed by crosslinking agent PEI and
                 thickener made the system have good high-temperature resistance and shearing resistance. The crosslinked
                 acid exhibited uniform gel breaking without residues, and the viscosity was 4.2 mPa·s after gel breaking.
                 The reaction  rate constant  of EAC-1 was one  order of magnitude smaller than that of HC-1  using
                 hydrochloric acid as main acid, showing  that crosslinked acid EAC-1 had  good retarding effect  for
                 prolonging the effective action distance of acid fluid in acidizing fracturing.
                 Key words:  crosslinked acid; acid-rock  reaction  kinetics; retarding  property; oil  field chemicals and
                 petroleum additives

                 收稿日期:2019-08-26;  定用日期:2019-10-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190816
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