Page 112 - 《精细化工》2020年第5期
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第 37 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.5
             202 0 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2020

                         温度对 N-月桂酰肌氨酸与三乙醇胺反应


                                              杭智军       1,2,3 ,王玉超     1,2,3

                 (1.  煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司  矿用油品分院,北京    100013;2.  煤炭资源高效开采与洁净利用国家
                 重点实验室,北京  100013;3.  国家能源煤炭高效利用与节能减排技术装备重点实验室,北京    100013)

                 摘要:针对 N-月桂酰肌氨酸与三乙醇胺的反应过程中产物结构不明确、性能不稳定等问题,考察了反应温度对
                 认。结果表明:低温(75 ℃)条件下,更容易获得阴离子型表面活性剂(产物 A),高温(130 ℃)条件下,更
                 容易获得非离子型表面活性剂(产物 B)。对两种产物的泡沫性能及抗硬水能力进行了对比,结果显示,当质量
                 分数小于 0.8%时,产物 A 的表面张力大于产物 B 的表面张力,且在质量分数为 0.15%时,表面张力均达到最小,
                 此时产物 A 与产物 B 的泡沫半衰期分别为 22.56 和 28.26  min。当质量分数为 1.0%时,产物 B 的抗硬水能力比
                 产物 A 的提升了 30.5%,更有利于乳液稳定。
                 中图分类号:TQ423      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 05-0962-06

               Effect of temperature on structure and properties of the reaction product of

                                    N-lauroyl sarcosine and triethanolamine

                                            HANG Zhijun  1,2,3 , WANG Yuchao 1,2,3
                 (1. Mine Oil Products Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of High
                 Efficient Mining and Clean Utilization of Coal Resources, Beijing 100013, China; 3. National Energy Technology and
                 Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control, Beijing 100013, China)

                 Abstract: In the reaction process of N-lauroyl sarcosine and triethanolamine, the structure of the product is
                 not clear and the performances are unstable. Aiming at these problems, the effects of reaction temperature
                 on the structure of N-lauroyl sarcosine triethanolamine reactants were studied. The structure was confirmed
                 by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, HNMR and mass spectrometry. The results showed that the
                 anionic  surfactant  (product  A)  was  more  easily  obtained  at  low  temperature  (75 ℃),  and  the  nonionic
                 surfactant (product B) was more easily obtained at high temperature (130 ℃). The foam properties and hard
                 water resistance of the two products were compared. It was found that when the mass fraction was less than
                 0.8%, the surface tension of product A was greater than that of product B. While the mass fraction was
                 0.15%,  the  surface  tension  of  product  A  and  product  B was  the  smallest,  and  their corresponding foam
                 half-lives were 22.56 min and 28.26 min, respectively. When the mass fraction was 1.0%, the ability of
                 product B to resist hard water was 30.5% higher than that of product A, which was more conducive to the
                 stability of emulsion.
                 Key words: N-lauroyl sarcosine; triethanolamine; reaction temperature; surfactants

                 收稿日期:2019-12-04;  定用日期:2020-02-17; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20191132
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