Page 69 - 《精细化工》2020年第5期
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第 37 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.5
             202 0 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2020


                                             王腾飞,殷允杰 ,王潮霞
                            (江南大学  纺织服装学院  生态纺织教育部重点实验室,江苏  无锡    214122)

                 光致变色微胶囊。采用 FTIR、SEM、粒径分析仪、分光光度计、测色配色仪对微胶囊的微观形貌、粒径和颜色
                 等进行了表征。结果表明,芯壁质量比(芯/壁)对微胶囊的形貌和性能有显著影响,当芯壁质量比为 2∶1 时,
                 微胶囊具有良好的颜色性能,变色前后色差为 ΔE CMC 大于 20,并且包覆严密、表面光滑。当芯壁质量比大于 2∶
                 1 后,微胶囊不能很好地包覆。光致变色微胶囊在紫外光照射下会立即变色,完全变色时间为 16  s,其在紫外
                 光-可见光照射 30 个循环后,仍具有优异的光致变色灵敏性。
                 中图分类号:TB34      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 05-0919-07

                         Preparation of high sealing photochromic microcapsules via

                                            solvent evaporation method

                                        WANG Tengfei, YIN Yunjie , WANG Chaoxia
                 (Key Laboratory of Science  & Technology of  Eco-Textile, Ministry of Education, College of Textiles and Clothing,
                 Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: Photochromic microcapsules with polymethyl methacrylate as shell material and 3′,3′-dimethyl-
                 6-nitro-spiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,2′-indoline]-1′-ethanol  as  core  material  were  prepared  by  solvent
                 evaporation method. FTIR, SEM, particle size analyzer, spectrophotometer and colorimeter were used to
                 characterize the microstructure, particle size, and color of the microcapsules. The results showed that the
                 core-shell  mass  ratio had  a significant  effect  on  the  morphology  and  performance  of  the  microcapsules.
                 When the core-shell mass ratio was 2∶1, the microcapsules had good color performances, and the color
                 difference  before  and  after color  change  (ΔE CMC)  was  greater  than 20,  and  the  microcapsules possessed
                 strict and smooth surface. While the core-shell mass ratio was larger than 2∶1, the microcapsules were not
                 formed well. The as-prepared microcapsules immediately change color when exposed to ultraviolet light,
                 and the complete discoloration time was 16 s. After 30 cycles of UV-Vis light irradiation, the microcapsules
                 still exhibited excellent photochromic sensitivity.
                 Key  words:  microcapsules;  polymethyl  methacrylate;  photochromic  response;  spiropyran;  functional

                 光致变色材料是具有不同吸收光谱的化学物质                          致变色材料容易受到环境的影响,有的还需要借助
            在两种形式之间可逆光转化 ,主要包括偶氮苯、                             溶剂来显色,这限制了它的应用范围。光致变色聚
            二芳基乙烯、螺吡喃等 。其在光响应的太阳镜和                             合物粒子相对于小分子荧光团具有良好的光稳定性
            荧光纳米探针 等方面已经得到广泛应用。但是光                             和亮度,在智能服装、防伪 、光信息存储 、光调

                 收稿日期:2019-11-21;  定用日期:2020-02-11; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20191097
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