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·1538·                            精细化工   FINE CHEMICALS                                 第 37 卷

            临界 CO 2 二元体系降低了 14.2%~44.1%,分散黄 119                    their application in textiles[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细化工), 2019,
            的溶解度则增加了 163%~750%。上述研究显示,可                            36(1): 1-6.
            以在超临界 CO 2 染色拼色过程中,实现部分染料的                         [2]   ZHENG H D, XU Y Y, ZHANG J, et al. An ecofriendly dyeing of
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            2.3.3   离子液体增溶                                     [3]   ZHENG H D (郑环达), ZHENG Y Z (郑禹忠),YUE C J (岳成君),
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            对诸多有机物显示了良好的溶解性能,广泛应用于                                 carbon dioxide fluid dyeing[J]. Fine Chemicals (精细化工), 2018,
                                                                   35(9): 1449-1456, 1471.
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                                                               [4]   ZHENG H D, ZHANG J, YAN J, et al. An industrial scale multiple
            低扩散系数,却在一定程度上限制了其更大的适用                                 supercritical carbon dioxide apparatus and its eco-friendly dyeing
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            [Bmim]Cl、[Bmim]Br 进行了分散红 60 和分散蓝                   [5]   ZHENG H D (郑环达), ZHENG L J (郑来久). Research development
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            395 的溶解性研究。结果显示,在最适温度 90  ℃
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