Page 96 - 《精细化工》2020年第8期
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第 37 卷第 8 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.8
             202 0 年 8 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Aug.    2020


                                       张国睿,牛文斌 ,王云朋,张淑芬
                                 (大连理工大学  精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁  大连    116024)

                 这种结构色水凝胶与传统电容型传感器相结合,得到了光电双响应传感器。采用 SEM、LCR 数字电桥、拉力试
                 和压缩状态(0~60.9  kPa)下,传感器的电容分别变化了 31%和 44%,其自身颜色在可见光光谱内可以动态可
                 逆地从红色变化到紫色。经历 15000 次循环拉伸后,传感器性能依旧保持稳定。利用传感器颜色的刺激响应性,
                 中图分类号:TB34;TP212      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 08-1594-08

                 Photoelectric double response sensor based on dodecyl glyceride itaconate

                               ZHANG Guorui, NIU Wenbin , WANG Yunpeng, ZHANG Shufen
                    (State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China)

                 Abstract: A photoelectric double response sensor using a structured color hydrogel as conductive electrode
                 was prepared. The structured color hydrogel was prepared by bilayer self-assembly method using dodecyl
                 glyceride  itaconate  (DGI),  sodium  dodecyl  sulfate  (SDS),  and  sodium  chloride  as  raw  materials.  The
                 photoelectric double response sensor was combined by structured color hydrogel and traditional capacitive
                 sensor. The structure and optical, electrical and mechanical properties of device were characterized by SEM,
                 LCR meter, tensile testing machine, fiber optic spectrometer. The results showed that in the tensile state
                 (0~100%) and the compressed state (0~60.9 kPa), the capacitance of the sensor changed by 31% and 44%
                 respectively, and the color of the sensor could change dynamically and reversibly from red to purple in the
                 visible light spectrum. After 15000 times of cyclic stretching, the performance of the sensor still remained
                 stable. By using the stimulus response of sensor color, the surface of the sensor could clearly show the
                 location and the shape of the strain source when the sensor was deformed. Thus, the sensor can realize
                 visualization effect during detection.
                 Key  words:  strain  sensor;  structural  color;  photoelectric  dual  response;  motion  detection;  functional

                 传感器是一种能够接受到外界刺激,并输出信                          子电容式    [13-21] 等。这些传感设备可以用来检测人体
            号的器件。近年来,研究人员一直致力于设计可以                             语言交流    [3,12] 、肢体运动 [1,2,4,6,9,22] 以及检测汗液 等,
            把外界刺激转化为电学信号的可穿戴柔性传感器                              同时还在压力显示         [10] 和角度检测   [2,8] 领域有着广泛
            件,并已经提出了多种可穿戴的传感设备。柔性传                             的应用前景。其中,电容式传感器由于结构简单,
            感器按照原理可分为压阻式              [1-10] 、压电式 [11-12] 、离   灵敏度高,备受关注。

                 收稿日期:2019-12-23;  定用日期:2020-03-13; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20191191
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