Page 105 - 《精细化工》2020年第9期
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第 37 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.9
             202 0 年 9 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.  2020


                                                  李诗浩,张   麟
                                            (天津大学  化工学院,天津  300354)

                 明,制备的金纳米粒子尺寸均一度高,分散性良好,平均粒径为 13.18 nm。金-姜黄素纳米颗粒中姜黄素的吸附
                 率为 86.85%,载药率为 20.25%。金纳米颗粒的负载可显著提高姜黄素的稳定性,金-姜黄素纳米颗粒在水溶液
                 中储存 30 d 后仍保留了 52%的姜黄素。同时,暗场显微镜结果表明,红细胞膜涂覆增强了制备的 Au-Cur@RBC
                 中图分类号:R979.1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 09-1819-06

                                  Erythrocyte membrane for encapsulation of

                                       curcumin-loaded gold nanoparticles

                                                  LI Shihao, ZHANG Lin
                          (College of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300354, China)

                 Abstract: To  overcome the shortcomings  of curcumin, such as poor  solubility, poor stability, difficult
                 absorption and  fast metabolism in water, an erythrocyte membrane  bionic  nano-drug loading system
                 (Au-Cur@RBC) was designed and developed with curcumin, gold nanoparticles and mammalian erythrocyte
                 membrane as raw materials. The anticancer drug curcumin was adsorbed on the surface of small-sized gold
                 nanoparticles by hydrophobic action, and then encapsulated into erythrocyte membrane vesicles by physical
                 extrusion. The results showed that the prepared  gold nanoparticles had good  size  uniformity  and
                 dispersibility, with an average particle size of 13.18 nm. The adsorption rate of curcumin in curcumin-loaded
                 nanoparticles was 86.85%, and the drug loading rate was 20.25%. The loading of gold nano-particles could
                 significantly improve the stability of curcumin, and the gold-curcumin nanoparticles still retained 52% of
                 curcumin after being stored in an aqueous solution for 30 days. At the same time, the results of dark field
                 microscope showed that the erythrocyte  membrane  improved the ability of prepared  Au-Cur@RBC to
                 refract and diffract the incident light of the dark field microscope, thereby presenting a clearer image.
                 Key words: erythrocyte membrane; curcumin; gold nanoparticles; cancer treatment; biological imaging;
                 functional materials

                 癌症是全球主要的公共卫生问题 。而抗癌药                          研究表明,姜黄素对于人类不同癌细胞系,如结肠
            物通常具有水中溶解性差、体内稳定性差、不具有                             直肠癌、乳腺癌、肺癌、前列腺癌和肝细胞癌等均
            靶向性等缺点。例如,姜黄素(Curcumin, Cur)是                      展现出明显的抑制作用          [2-3] 。然而,姜黄素在水中溶
            一类从姜黄的根茎中提取的天然化合物,具有多种                             解性差、稳定性差、难吸收、代谢快等缺点严重阻
            药理活性,如抗氧化、抗炎、清除自由基和抗癌等。                            碍了其临床应用 。为了提高姜黄素的生物利用度,

                 收稿日期:2020-02-27;  定用日期:2020-04-14; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200144
                 作者简介:李诗浩(1994—),男,硕士生,。联系人:张   麟(1981—),男,教授,。
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