Page 113 - 《精细化工》2021年第11期
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第 38 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.38, No.11
             2021 年 11 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Nov.  2021

                         PIPD/Cu 纳米纤维气凝胶的制备及性能

                            陈   康,曾奥研,王嘉睿,高   媛,罗元章,李欣欣
                 (华东理工大学  材料科学与工程学院,特种功能高分子材料及相关技术教育部重点实验室,上海 200237)

                 酸,通过混酸剥离-去质子化诱导凝胶-冷冻干燥-惰性气氛高温处理制备出 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶。对 PIPD 纳米
                 纤维气凝胶的形貌和结构进行表征,结果表明,混酸法制备 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶过程中,强质子酸破环了 PIPD
                 纤维的晶区和取向,PIPD 主体的化学结构未发生明显变化。制得的 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶具有蜂窝孔结构、低
                 密度(6.90~15.2 mg/cm )和高孔隙率(99.1%~99.6%)。当 PIPD 含量(以 MSA 和 TFA 总质量为基准,下同)
                 不高于 1%时,PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶无明显收缩。惰性氛围高温处理使 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶具有弹性。水平垂
                 直燃烧、极限氧指数(LOI)、导热系数测试表明,PIPD 含量为 0.5%的纳米纤维气凝胶达到不可燃水平(UL-94,
                 V-0 级),LOI 高达 49.2%,100  ℃下低热传导性〔导热系数为 0.052 W/(m·K)〕。此外,引入 Cu 配位交联网络
                 提高 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶的压缩应力,增强后气凝胶的压缩应力是初始 PIPD 纳米纤维气凝胶的约 16 倍。
                 中图分类号:TQ317      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 11-2259-09

                         Preparation and properties of PIPD/Cu  nanofiber aerogels

                       CHEN Kang, ZENG Aoyan, WANG Jiarui, GAO Yuan, LUO Yuanzhang, LI Xinxin
                  (Key Laboratory of Special Functional Polymer Materials and Related Technologies, Ministry of Education, School of
                    Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)

                 Abstract: Using poly(2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-phenylenepyridodiimidazole) (PIPD) as a matrix, PIPD nanofiber
                 aerogels were prepared by peeling off the PIPD by the mixed acid, proton-consumption-induced gelation of
                 PIPD nanofiber sol and freeze-drying, followed by high temperature treatment in an inert atmosphere. The
                 morphology and structure  of PIPD  nanofiber aerogels  were characterized.  The results show that in the
                 process  of  preparing  PIPD  nanofiber aerogels, the strong protic acid disrupts the crystal regions and
                 orientation of the PIPD fibers, and the chemical structure of the PIPD does not change significantly. PIPD
                 nanofiber aerogels have a honeycomb  structure,  low density (6.90~15.2 mg/cm ), high porosity
                 (99.1%~99.6%). When the PIPD fiber content (based on the total mass of MSA and TFA, the same
                 below) is not higher than 1%, the PIPD nanofiber aerogels do not shrink significantly. High temperature
                 treatment  in an inert atmosphere  makes PIPD nanofiber aerogels  elastic. Horizontal and vertical
                 combustion, the limiting oxygen index (LOI), and thermal conductivity tests show that PIPD nanofiber
                 aerogels reach the non-flammable  level (UL-94, V-0), LOI is as high as 49.2%, and the  thermal
                 conductivity  is 0.052  W/(m·K) at 100  ℃. In addition, the introduction of Cu  coordination  cross-
                 linking network enhances the compressive stress of  PIPD nanofiber aerogels, and the compressive
                 stress of the enhanced aerogels are about 16 times that of the original PIPD nanofiber aerogels.
                 Key words: PIPD; aerogels; nanofiber; non-flammable level; coordination cross-linked network; functional

                 收稿日期:2021-05-18;  定用日期:2021-07-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210507
                 作者简介:陈   康(1996—),男,硕士生。联系人:李欣欣(1972—),男,教授,博士生导师,。
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