Page 57 - 《精细化工》2020年第2期
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第 38 卷第 2 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.2
             202 1 年 2 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Feb.  2021

                     刺激响应型 Pickering 乳液的制备及应用进展

                            张兆宇,姜秋艳,孙   宁,罗东琴,李学术,李秋红
                                   (山东理工大学  材料科学与工程学院,山东  淄博  255000)

                 摘要:固体纳米颗粒代替传统表面活性剂作为乳化剂稳定的 Pickering 乳液具有抗聚结性高、环境友好、成本较
                 低等优点,在多个领域具有广阔应用前景。通过适当刺激精确调控乳液稳定性及构建响应型 Pickering 乳液的研
                 究引起广泛关注。综述了多种刺激响应型 Pickering 乳液的构建、调控及应用。首先,阐述了 Pickering 乳液的稳
                 定性影响因素和固体颗粒乳化剂表面改性技术;然后,介绍了多种刺激响应型 Pickering 乳液的响应机理和性能;
                 接着,总结了 Pickering 乳液的应用研究;最后,分析展望了 Pickering 乳液研究应用中存在的问题和发展前景。
                 关键词:Pickering 乳液;响应机理;固体颗粒乳化剂;疏水改性;调控
                 中图分类号:O648.23      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 02-0259-10

                                   Progress on preparation and application of
                                      stimuli-responsive Pickering emulsion

                      ZHANG Zhaoyu, JIANG Qiuyan, SUN Ning, LUO Dongqin, LI Xueshu, LI Qiuhong
                  (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255000, Shandong, China)

                 Abstract: Solid nanoparticles instead of traditional surfactants as emulsifier-stabilized Pickering emulsions
                 have the advantages of high coalescence resistance, environmental friendliness and low cost, which exhibit
                 broad application prospects in various fields. The research on the stability of Pickering emulsion by precise
                 regulation and appropriate stimulation and the construction  of stimulus-responsive Pickering emulsions
                 have attracted wide attention. The construction, regulation and application of various Pickering emulsions
                 are reviewed. Firstly, the factors affecting the stability of Pickering emulsion and the surface modification
                 technology of solid particle emulsifier are summarized. Secondly, the response mechanism and performance
                 of various stimuli-responsive Pickering emulsion are introduced. Subsequently, the application of Pickering
                 emulsion is summarized. Finally, the problems and development prospects of Pickering emulsion research
                 and application are analyzed and pointed out.
                 Key words: Pickering emulsion; response mechanism; solid particle emulsifiers; hydrophobic modification;

                 乳液是一种液体以液滴形式均匀分散在另一种                          不妥善处理将会对环境造成危害。
            与之不相溶液体中形成的分散体系,其中,液滴被                                 20 世纪初,基于 RAMSDEN 和 PICKERING           [4]
            称为分散相,另一种液体被称为连续相。根据分散                             的开创性工作,由固体纳米颗粒作为稳定剂形成的
            相和连续相不同可将乳液分为水包油型(O/W)和                            Pickering 乳液引起了学者的关注。Pickering 乳液
            油包水型(W/O)。乳液是热力学不稳定体系,需使                           开发的关键在于选择具有合适表面润湿性的乳化
            用稳定剂(表面活性剂或两亲性聚合物)来降低油                             剂。除了人工合成的功能性高分子聚合物纳米颗
            水界面张力使其具有一定的稳定性                 [1-2] 。然而,表面       粒,一般天然无机纳米颗粒无法直接用于稳定乳
            活性剂用量大、成本高、回收处理过程困难,如果                             液。因此,如何改变固体颗粒的表面润湿性一直是

                 收稿日期:2020-09-15;  定用日期:2020-09-23; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200863
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