Page 112 - 《精细化工》2021年第3期
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第 38 卷第 3 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.38, No.3
             202 1 年 3 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Mar.  2021


                           李雪峰,关宏宇,白宇峰,葛春华 ,董久霄,张向东
                                           (辽宁大学  化学院,辽宁  沈阳  110036)

                 摘要:以新戊二醇二甲基丙烯酸酯(NPGDMA)为单体,利用光固化反应制得具有 3D 网络结构的聚合物,这
                 种结构可以有效包裹十八烷(ODE),从而解决 ODE 的泄漏问题。用高导热氮化硼(BN)作为导热填料,成功
                 制备一种导热性良好并且形状稳定的 ODE/NPGDMA/BN 复合相变材料。通过 FTIR、XRD、SEM、TGA 和 EDS
                 定性和热稳定性,在高于 ODE 的相变温度(28  ℃)时,没有发生形状变化;在 100  ℃前复合材料没有发生质
                 量损失;并且 ODE/NPGDMA/BN 复合相变材料具有较大的潜热(103.9 J/g)。当 BN 的添加量为 5%(以 ODE
                 和 NPGDMA 的总质量计,且两者质量比为 1∶1)时,复合材料的导热率比纯 ODE 提高了 49.6%。
                 中图分类号:TK02;TB34      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 03-0532-07

                   Preparation and thermal properties of shape-stabilized phase change

                            materials based on octadecane by light curing process

                  LI Xuefeng, GUAN Hongyu, BAI Yufeng, GE Chunhua , DONG Jiuxiao, ZHANG Xiangdong
                               (College of Chemistry, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, Liaoning, China)

                 Abstract:  A  polymer  with 3D network  structure was prepared by  light  curing process  using  neopentyl
                 glycol dimethacrylate(NPGDMA) as monomer, which can effectively wrap n-octadecane(ODE) to solve the
                 leakage of octadecane. Subsequently, an ODE/NPGDMA/BN composite phase change material with good
                 thermal conductivity and shape stability was successfully obtained using high thermal conductivity boron
                 nitride (BN) as thermally conductive filler. The structure, morphology and element distribution state of the
                 material were characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM, TGA and EDS. The results showed that the prepared
                 composite phase change material had good shape stability and thermal stability. It had no shape change at a
                 phase change temperature higher than the ODE (28 ℃) and no mass loss before 100 ℃. Furthermore, the
                 ODE/NPGDMA/BN composite phase change material possessed a large latent heat (103.9 J/g). When the
                 additive amount of BN was 5% (based on the total mass of ODE and NPGDMA, the mass ratio of ODE to
                 NPGDMA was 1∶1), the thermal conductivity of the  prepared composite  phase change material was
                 increased by about 49.6% compared with that of pure ODE.
                 Key words: phase change material; n-octadecane; shape stability; light curing; thermal energy storage

                 随着能源日益枯竭和严重短缺,寻找有效的能                          业废热回收     [10-12] 和电力系统  [13] 等,在解决能源不平
            量储存技术和新的储能材料是重要解决途径之一 。                            衡,提高能源效率和保护环境等方面发挥着重要作
            相变材料吸收热量,同时自身能够保持恒定温度 ,                            用 [14] 。
            是热能储存的一种好介质,已应用于许多领域,例                                 十八烷(ODE)具有较大的潜热               [15] ,但在固-
            如:太阳能系统        [3-5] 、航空航天 、节能建筑        [7-9] 、工   液相转变时易出现泄漏,并且导热系数较低                    [16] ,限

                 收稿日期:2020-07-09;  定用日期:2020-10-12; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200616
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