Page 202 - 《精细化工》2021年第6期
P. 202
第 38 卷第 6 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.38, No.6
202 1 年 6 月 FINE CHEMICALS June 2021
蒲红霞,戴 睿,单志华
(四川大学 制革清洁技术国家工程研究中心,四川 成都 610065)
液化竹粉,用于竹木板材的黏合。采用单因素实验,考察液化时间、液化温度、LS 用量以及液固比〔m(水)∶
m(竹粉)〕对液化效果的影响。用 FTIR、SEM 与 DSC 表征分析了竹粉半液化前后差别。在 LS 用量为 12%(以
竹粉质量为基准,下同),液固比为 5∶1,微波加热温度 150 ℃反应 15 min 的条件下,竹粉的液化率可达 60.95%。
结果表明,LS 对竹粉具有催化液化作用,且制备的液化产品作为黏合剂制备胶合板能满足 GB/T 9846—2015《普
中图分类号:X72 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2021) 06-1264-07
Chromium-containing leather shavings assisted semi-liquefaction of
waste bamboo under microwave heating
PU Hongxia, DAI Rui, SHAN Zhihua
(National Engineering Research Center for Tannery Clean Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan,
Abstract: A semi-liquefied bamboo powder for the bonding of bamboo and wood boards was prepared
using waste bamboo as raw material under the action of a liquefaction aid formed by chromium-containing
leather shavings (LS), hydrochloric acid and a small amount of phenol under microwave heating. The
effects of liquefaction time, liquefaction temperature, LS dosage and liquid-solid ratio [m(water)∶
m(bamboo powder)] on the liquefaction effect were investigated by single-factor experiments. The
difference of bamboo powder before and after semi-liquefaction was analyzed by FTIR, SEM and DSC.
When LS addition amount was 12% (based on the mass of bamboo powder, the same below), liquid-solid
ratio was 5∶1, microwave heating temperature was 150 ℃ and reaction time was 15 min, the liquefaction
rate of bamboo powder could reach 60.95%. The results showed that LS had a catalytic liquefaction effect
on bamboo powder, and the prepared liquefied product could be used as a binder to prepare plywood and
met the category Ⅱ plywood index in GB/T 9846—2015 “Plywood for general use”. This study provides a
reference for the resource recycling of the two wastes.
Key words: waste bamboo; chrome leather shavings; semi-liquefaction; catalysis; microwave; adhesives
根据 CHUNG 等 的统计,每年林业废弃物的 刨花板应用于住宅市场和建筑行业 [2-4] ;将竹类残渣
残留量约有 2.0×10 t,其中包含竹木或竹木加工成 进行热化学转化制备液体生物油、碳素材料 [5-6] ,或
木制品后的残留物。因此,对这些废弃物作为生物 者用于制备高轻墙体发泡材料、胶黏剂、人造板 [7-9]
质二次原料进行循环利用引起人们的广泛关注。例 等。液化处理是用物理化学方法将固体竹木废弃物转
如:将废弃的竹料粉碎、黏合制备竹木基生物塑料、 化为液态或半液态特殊技术,包含高温高压液化 [10] 、
收稿日期:2020-12-24; 定用日期:2021-01-06; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200996
基金项目:四川大学-自贡 2019 年校地科技合作专项资金项目(2019CDZG-10)