Page 199 - 《精细化工》2022年第2期
P. 199
第 39 卷第 2 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.39, No.2
2022 年 2 月 FINE CHEMICALS Feb. 2022
张苏文 ,王潮霞 ,季 萍 ,季国苗 ,殷允杰
(1. 江南大学 纺织科学与工程学院 教育部生态纺织品重点实验室,江苏 无锡 214122;2. 浙江吉麻良
丝新材料股份有限公司,浙江 绍兴 312030)
摘要:采用异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、聚乙二醇 200、400、600、800(PEG200、PEG400、PEG600、PEG800)、
子聚氨酯分散剂。通过 FTIR、GPC、TG 表征了分散剂的结构与性能。利用自制的分散剂采用研磨法制备了液
性能的影响。结果表明,研磨 1 h 后,以 PEG400 为软段合成的聚氨酯分散剂用量为染料质量的 60%时制备的
液体靛蓝粒径为 277.1 nm,1000 r/min 离心稳定性达到 93.98%,3000 r/min 离心稳定性为 51.13%,常温放置 7 d
后粒径变化在 20 nm 以内,染色后织物的颜色深度(K/S)为 10 左右,约是粉状靛蓝染色 K/S 的 2 倍,染色织
物的颜色性能并未改变,SEM 显示分散体颗粒大小分布均匀,与分散剂甲基萘磺酸钠的甲醛缩合物(MF)和木质
素 85A 相比,其分散体系稳定性差别不大。
中图分类号:TS193.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 02-0403-08
Application of polyurethane dispersant in preparation of liquid indigo
ZHANG Suwen , WANG Chaoxia , JI Ping , JI Guomiao , YIN Yunjie
(1. Key Laboratory of Eco-Textiles, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University,
Wuxi 214122, Jiangsu, China; 2. Zhejiang Gimaras New Material Co. Ltd., Shaoxing 312030, Zhejiang, China)
Abstract: A anionic polyurethane dispersions were prepared from isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI),
polyethylene glycol 200, 400, 600, 800(PEG200, PEG400, PEG600, PEG800), 2,2-dimethylpropyl acid
(DMPA), 1-phenyl-1,2-glycol, neutralizer triethylamine(TEA), methylketoxime and so on. The structure
and properties of dispersant were characterized by FTIR, GPC and TG. The liquid indigo dispersion was
prepared by grinding method with the self-made dispersant. The influences of chain length and amount of
dispersant on performance of the dispersion were discussed. After grinding for 1 h, when the amount of
polyurethane dispersant synthesized with PEG400 as soft segment was 60% of the mass of dye, the particle
size of prepared liquid indigo was 277.1 nm, the centrifugal stability at 1000 r/min was 93.98%, and that at
3000 r/min was 51.13%. After being placed at room temperature for 7 d, the particle size changed within 20
nm, and the color depth (K/S) value of the dyed fabric was about 10, which was about twice that of the dyed
fabric with powdered indigo, The color properties of dyed fabric did not change. SEM showed that the
particle size distribution of the dispersion was uniform. There was little difference in the stability of the
dispersion system compared with formaldehyde condensate (MF) of sodium methylnaphthalene sulfonate
and lignin 85A.
Key words: polyurethane; dispersant; liquid indigo; stability; K/S; dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
收稿日期:2021-06-16; 定用日期:2021-09-30; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20210611