Page 99 - 《精细化工》2022年第7期
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第 7 期 卢健康,等: 膨润土/羧甲基纤维素钠水凝胶的制备及其应用 ·1385·
从 0 g 增加到 0.30 g,固定化 Cr(Ⅲ)的含量从 60.6% [4] WANG X G, LYU S Y, GAO C M, et al. Recovery of ammonium and
phosphate from wastewater by wheat straw-based amphoteric
增加到 82.9%。研究发现,SRFs(BT-g-CMC1.0)
adsorbent and reusing as a multifunctional slow-release compound
能增强土壤中 Cr(Ⅲ)的吸附,这主要是 SRFs(BT-g- fertilizer[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4(4):
CMC1.0)表面的负电荷与 Cr(Ⅲ)之间存在静电相互 2068-2079.
作用。另外,SRFs(BT-g-CMC1.0)中的羟基、甲 of phosphate removal from water by carbonaceous sorbents[J]. J
氧基和羧基可以与金属离子螯合,提高了 Cr(Ⅲ)的 Environ Manage, 2021, 287: 112245.
[6] BAULI C R, LIMA G F, SOUZA A G D, et al. Eco-friendly
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官能团进行了分析。BT-g-CMC 水凝胶中的羟基和 nanocomposite based on sulfonated carboxymethylcellulose and silica
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表面结构也有明显的变化,由 BT 致密平坦的表面
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变得粗糙松散。此外,BT-g-CMC1.0 水凝胶对 H 2 PO 4 treatment of mining wastewater[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A:
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动力学结果表明,吸附过程受化学吸附控制; organic coating based on biopolymers and biomass for controlled and
吸附实验结果表明,在 pH=6、BT-g-CMC1.0 用量为 slow release fertilizers[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2021, 330:
0.05 g、吸附时间为 120 min 条件下,BT-g-CMC1.0
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对 H 2 PO 4 的最大吸附量为 34.12 mg/g。 MIL-100(Fe)@CNF-SA composite hydrogel and its application in
含有质量分数为 1%和 2% SRFs(BT-g-CMC1.0) slow-release N-fertilizer[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021,
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的土壤在 30 d 后的保水率分别为 11.23%和 25.24%; [11] YAN H Y, ZHU X H, DAI F L, et al. Porous geopolymer based
含有 1.0 g SRFs(BT-g-CMC1.0)的土壤(100 g) eco-friendly multifunctional slow-release fertilizers for promoting
plant growth[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and
在第 3、第 15 和第 30 d 的累积释放率分别为 5.08%、 Engineering Aspects, 2021, 631: 127646.
37.68%和 51.87%。 [12] LI Y Y, FU F L, CAI W T, et al. Synergistic effect of mesoporous
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Adsorption and chemical precipitation[J]. Powder Technology, 2019,
高度和干、湿重比 KH 2 PO 4 和 CK 处理的两组大白菜 345: 786-795.
分别增加了 32.93%、14.04%、26.11%、22.40%和 [13] OLAD A, ZEBHI H, SALARI D, et al. Slow-release NPK fertilizer
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59.12%、35.42%、52.81%、72.60%。 the function of water retention in soil[J]. Materials Science and
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[14] XI H, LI Q Q, YANG Y, et al. Highly effective removal of phosphate
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Cr(Ⅲ)含量从 60.6%增加到 82.9%。 hydrogel beads: Facile synthesis and adsorption behavior study[J].
在之前的报道中,往往只考虑对吸附剂的简单 Applied Clay Science, 2021, 201: 105919.
[15] JIAO G J, MA J L, LI Y C, et al. Enhanced adsorption activity for
重复使用而没有考虑吸附质的再利用。BT-g-CMC1.0 phosphate removal by functional lignin-derived carbon-based adsorbent:
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决水体污染的同时也可以作为工业磷肥的补充。为 phosphate from high-salinity water environment using MgO-loaded
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