Page 84 - 《精细化工》2022年第8期
P. 84
第 39 卷第 8 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.39, No.8
2022 年 8 月 FINE CHEMICALS Aug. 2022
温 翯,韩 伟,车春霞,高海波,朱建涛,张 峰
(中国石油石油化工研究院 兰州化工研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730060)
中图分类号:TE0;X701 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 08-1584-13
Progress of post-combustion carbon dioxide capture
technology development and applications
WEN He, HAN Wei, CHE Chunxia, GAO Haibo, ZHU Jiantao, ZHANG Feng
(Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, Lanzhou 730060, Gansu,
Abstract: Massive emission of carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, has caused serious
impact on global climate and environment, which led to urgent need of cost-effective separation and
purification technologies for carbon dioxide capture. At present, separation technologies based on
absorption, adsorption, membrane and low temperature are mainly adopted for carbon dioxide capture. In
this review, the development status, application research progress and future directions of carbon capture
technologies were discussed, followed by summarization on current post-combustion carbon capture
projects at home and abroad especially the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of each existing
carbon capture technology, which has difficulty in achieving efficient, energy-saving and economical
carbon capture independently. It was then pointed out that separation technology should be chosen based on
different application scenarios. In the end, the research achievements of hybrid capture technology was
briefly introduced, which suggested that integration of different carbon capture technologies might lead to
breakthrough of bottleneck in single capture technology.
Key words: carbon dioxide; CO 2 capture; absorption; adsorption; membranes; cryogenic carbon capture
近年来,经济的快速发展同时促进了人们对 目前,中国也正面临着巨大的碳减排压力。
能源需求的不断增长,工业和人类活动规模空前 2020 年,中国提出了“双碳”战略目标,各项碳
增大,全球能源消耗持续增加,造成了大量温室 减排工作正在抓紧落实。据统计,全国已投运或
气体的排放,全球平均气温快速上升。CO 2 作为 建设中的 CCUS(二氧化碳的捕集、利用与封存)
最主要的温室气体之一,其大量排放引起的全球气 示范项目约 40 个,捕集能力约 300 万 t/a。为进
候变化已成为全人类需要面对的重大挑战。 一步加快实现碳减排的重大战略目标,亟需开发
收稿日期:2022-02-26; 定用日期:2022-05-09; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220167
作者简介:温 翯(1992—),女,硕士,工程师,。