Page 199 - 《精细化工》2022年第9期
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第 39 卷第 9 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.39, No.9
             2022 年 9 月                              FINE CHEMICALS                                 Sept.  2022


                            刘迎新,梁   坚,孙卫琨,蒋   恒,黎成勇 ,黄   山
                                     (长沙学院  生物与环境工程学院,湖南  长沙  410003)

                 采用 FTIR、XRD 和 XPS 对 A/GO 进行了结构表征,并考察了 A/GO 对有机染料的吸附性能。结果表明,与氧
                 化石墨烯相比,A/GO 对甲基蓝(AB93)表现出高效吸附性,其吸附动力学和吸附等温模型分别符合拟二级动
                 力学和 Langmuir 模型,最大理论吸附容量(q m )为 1250.0 mg/g。热力学分析表明,A/GO 吸附 AB93 是自发的
                 放热过程。A/GO 吸附 AB93 对 NaCl 和 KCl 表现出良好的耐盐性,而 CaCl 2 能有效地促进 A/GO 吸附 AB93。
                 对于刚果红和 AB93 等的混合染料体系,A/GO 能选择性吸附 AB93。
                 中图分类号:Q644.1;X783.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2022) 09-1917-07

                                    Preparation and adsorption properties of
                                     amantadine/graphene oxide composites

                      LIU Yingxin, LIANG Jian, SUN Weikun, JIANG Heng, LI Chengyong , HUANG Shan
                   (College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University, Changsha 410003, Hunan, China)

                 Abstract: Amantadine  functionalized  graphene  oxide composites (A/GO) were  prepared from graphene
                 oxide and amantadine through aqueous phase synthesis, followed by structural characterization via FTIR,
                 XRD and XPS. Furthermore, the adsorption performance of A/GO for organic dyes were investigated. The
                 results showed that A/GO exhibited higher adsorption efficiency for methyl blue (AB93) compared with
                 control graphene  oxide. Moreover, it  was found that the  kinetic and isothermal model of  A/GO  for
                 adsorption of AB93 fitted pseudo second-order kinetics and Langmuir model with a maximum theoretical
                 adsorption capacity (q m) of 1250.0 mg/g. Meanwhile, thermodynamic analysis revealed that the adsorption
                 process of A/GO for AB93 was spontaneously exothermic, displayed good resistance to NaCl and KCl salts
                 and adsorption efficiency improvement in presence  of CaCl 2. In addition,  A/GO  demonstrated selective
                 adsorption for AB93 in the dye mixture of congo red and AB93.
                 Key words: graphene oxide; amantadine; methyl blue; adsorption; selection; water treatment technology

                 快速发展的现代工业排放大量工业废水,给水                          产物对人类及水生生物还具有较强的致突变性和致
            资源的保护与利用带来极大负担。特别是纺织、印                             癌性。
            染、造纸、印刷等行业,每年有超过 100 t 的有机染                            吸附技术应用于废水中有机染料的处理具有去
            料被排放到水体中,成为水污染的主要来源之一 。                            除率高、易回收、易操作、低能耗和应用范围广
            有机染料种类繁多、化学结构复杂、稳定性高、难                             的优势,被认为是最有前途的水污染处理方法之
            以自然降解。进入水体中的染料会减弱入射到水体                             一 [3-4] 。此外,实际生活的染料废水存在多种染料,
            中的阳光,阻碍水生植物的光合作用,严重影响水                             吸附技术处理多元染料体系逐渐成为热点 。目前,
            生动植物的生存 。此外,许多有机染料及其代谢                             许多新型材料被用于吸附有机染料,主要包括生物

                 收稿日期:2021-11-15;  定用日期:2022-04-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20211159
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