Page 28 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 28

g714g                             ㇫㏳ࡃጒ   FINE CHEMICALS                                 す 40 ࢤ

            ᄩ⢴喑हᬣݖ⩕ڣᒏ䆹जᣔ⮱х߬जВᄦ㏑㐡হ䛾                             ഌڤᰶ㞜ສ⮱Ꮑ⩕ݺᮜȡⰛݺ喑䕇䓴䲆⩢㏧͊ឭᱜ
            ᆋ䷄ㆿᵥภࡃȠノ⟣ࡃ喑䉸ε࣌໸ᱽ᫆͝ჹ⮱ᓛ㻯                             ጟ㏼᜽ߌౝݣิγ๔䛼॥∏ݯ喑䄒᪴ϸ㏺γ̭ψᰭ
            㐀Ჱ喑ϻ㔹䓫ݝ䒰ສ⮱॥∏ᕔ㘪ȡⷠࡃ➖ฺव㏠ㆠ                             ڤА㶕ᕔ⮱䲆⩢㏧͊㏠ㆠ㏑㐡喑キ㺮䃕䃧γ䲆⩢㏧
            ㏑㐡Ό᭜పڲใࣾᆂ䒰ᔘ⮱॥∏ᱽ᫆͸̭喑ڤᰶ㔽                             ͊ឭᱜౕ॥∏䶳ഌ͚⮱ࣾᆂ䓴⼸Ƞധ᱙࣌⤳হᏁ⩕
            倅⍖ȠᑧᏓ๔ぶх߬喑ౕ倅⍖⣜ධ͚ڤᰶ䒰倅⮱Ꮑ                             ⣝⟣喑Вࣷ䲆⩢㏧͊㏠ㆠ㏑㐡⮱х߬喑ጹ᱈㘪ͧ᫝
            ⩕Фթ喠็ᅯฺव㏠ㆠ㏑㐡݆᭜ౕВ̷ⵁ⾣⮱ധ⵭                             ಸᓛ∏॥ᩣᱽ᫆⮱ݣิ᣽ӈ̭ψᕊ䌜ȡ
            ̷喑䕇䓴䲆⩢㏧͊ឭᱜݣิ⮱ฺव㛉҉ͧ䒪Ҁ喑䦵                                 㮪♣䲆⩢㏧͊ឭᱜⰥᄦ᜽⛌喑ౕ⩢ⷮ∏॥ᩣᱽ
            ᄦ̺ह⮱Ꮑ⩕౧ᮜᄳڣ䔈㵹ᰶᱧ᪡व喑ϻ㔹䓫ݝ䒰                             ᫆᫦䲏ःᓄγ䒰ᔘ⮱䔈ᆂ喑ѳ㺮䓫ݝੳ͇ࡃⅡᎠ喑
            ສ⮱჋䭲᩵᳉喑ᄦλ㺮Ⅿ䒰倅⮱➦₷⣜ධᝃज䔈㵹                             䰭㺮ϻВ̸܍᫦䲏䔈㵹ⵁ⾣喟
            ➦₷ࡃჇݣȡ                                                喍1喎хࡃጒ㞧ࣷ࣌ᱽ᫆䔶᠖ȡ҉ͧڤᰶ➦₷⩕
                      㶕 2   ॥∏ᱽ᫆ࣷ॥∏ᕔ㘪ᄦ℁                        ݣิ䓴⼸͚⮱⃼̭ₒᏁВ᣽ࡴᕔ㘪ͧᄩाȡₑใ喑
            Table 2    Comparison of absorbing materials and absorbing
                    properties                                 ౕ䲆⩢㏧͊⋟⮱䔶᠖̷䔅Ꮑٲܳⵁ⾣喑ᒀ॥ᩣፓც
                             RL min/   䶾⢴/   ࣇᏓ/  ॥ᩣፓ  ࣯㔰
                              dB   GHz    mm   ც/GHz  ᪴⡛       ⾣ȡ
             Si NFs          –57.8   14.7   1.90   5.50  [54]     喍2喎᣽ࡴᱽ᫆䔯Ꮑᕔȡ॥∏ᱽ᫆Ꮑ⩕౧ᮜᎬ∈喑
             SiCN NFs        –53.1   11.0   1.95   5.60  [57]   ̺ϲ⩕λ⩢ၽ䃫ิڲ䘕喑ౕᝤใฺᱯ⣜ධ͚ΌᰶⰥ
             Mo 2C/C         –60.4  15.0  1.50  4.80  [59]     ڠᏁ⩕喑㔹㏠ㆠ㏑㐡॥∏ᱽ᫆䉕ౝᴁ䒜Ƞᱧᷝᕔ㘪
             Fe 3O 4 NFs     –17.2   6.2   5.50   ÿ   [18]     ጛȠᄬপⴚ喑䯫В䔯Ꮑ็अ⮱⣜ධȡ㼐۠䄒䬛䷅Ꮑ
             CNF-Fe          –67.5  16.6  1.30  17.40  [23]    㔰㭾ᐭࣾᱽ᫆⮱็ߌ㘪ᕔ喑ᝃ䔶᠖䔯Ꮑᕔ䒰ᑧ⮱ധ
             CuNi/CNFs       –55.1  13.4  3.00  7.50  [29]
             P-CNF/Fe        –44.86  4.42  4.10  3.28  [30]
             Fe-C NFs        –44.0   4.20   3.00   11.00  [31]
             C/Co NFs        –58.8   ÿ   3.50  12.90  [33]
             F-PVDF/         –21.5  16.8  2.50  5.90  [49]
             Fe 3O 4@PPy0.075NFs                               ᱽ᫆็ౕ 6~18 GHz ڲ᩵᳉᭫㦄喑ѳᄦλѻ䶾㠰డ
             HCF@CZ-CNTs     –53.5  7.8  2.00   8.02  [43]     喍1~2 GHz喎݆Ⱕᄦ⁍㑧ȡ
             CNF-PCNT        –44.5  10.7  2.00  7.00  [44]
             Co 2Y/C         –98.2  16.0  2.00  15.90  [62]
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            ຯ喟䧮⅔Ҁᱽ᫆ᝃⷮᕔ䛾ᆋजВ䕇䓴ⷮᢌ㕄ᱧݣᲒ                                 tunable interfacial structure  for highly efficient microwave
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