Page 31 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 31
す 40 ࢤす 4 ㏳ ࡃ ጒ Vol.40, No.4
20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2023
ႆ͉喑䃥 ጲ喑ႆ ❪喑䗾䉑Ⴜ喑㕯᪴⥗喑ᒽ⣺⣺
喍Ⴖᓪጒ⼸๔႓ ㏧㏴㷲႓䮏喑Ⴖᓪ 㟉⎃ 241000喎
ᓗ⣜ᄬপ䒰ѻ䭨ⶺγ ZIBs ⮱䭲Ꮑ⩕ȡ㔹В㏧㏴ᱽ᫆ͧധᱽ⮱⩢Ხڤᰶ倅ᄩ⩢ᕔȠࡃ႓⽠Ⴧᕔহᭀ̻ڣЃ≨ᕔ
͚ఫܳㆨत喟TB34喠TM912 ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳喟A ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0717-11
Research progress on textile-based flexible zinc ion batteries
SUN Jiangdong, XU Shuai, SUN Shuang, ZHENG Xianhong, NIE Wenqi, XU Zhenzhen
喍School of Textile and Garment, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, Anhui, China喎
Abstract: Aqueous zinc ion batteries (ZIBs) shows great potential in safety and large-scale production
applications, however, the low energy density and short recycle life of the electrodes limits their practical
applications. Textile based electrodes possess high electrical conductivity, chemical stability and could be
easily loaded with other active substances, which can effectively overcome the above mentioned limitations.
In this review, the latest research progress on flexible textile based Zn-ion batteries were described from
textile perspective, followed by summarization on the batteries with fibrous and planar structures as well as
the conformational relationships between reaction kinetics of anode material and electrode structure, surface
properties and active material compounding conditions. Finally, the existing problems and the challenges in
the development of textile-based zinc ion batteries were explained and analyzed.
Key words: zinc ion batteries; energy density; flexible electrodes; energy storage; wearable textiles
䓾ᎡᲒ喑ᮧ㘪ज⾬ᝡ⩢ၽ䃫ิ⮱ܧ⣝ᩦअγϧ ̻䨯⻨ၽ⩢Ⱕ℁喍㶕 1喎喑ڣڤᰶ⻨ၽࡷᒱᄼȠФᵩ
Й⮱э㐌⩌≨ᐼ喑㘪⎽࢞ᱧহ⣜ධ䬛䷅̺ᣕߕ ѻȠҀ⼜℁ღ䛼倅ȠႶڕᕔ倅ぶ➦◦喑ₑ喑䨹
Ɑ๗䭠㘪Ƞ䷻㘪Ƞ⒛ⅽ㘪 [1-2] ぶजں⩌㘪⎽⮱ࣾᆂȡ ⻨ၽ⩢㷘䃑ͧ᭜ःА䨯⻨ၽ⩢ज㵹⮱ᱽ̭᫆ȡ
⩢㘪וႅ喍EES喎㈨㐌ᄦλ⣝হԊ䃮䔆ψजں⩌㘪 ₑใ喑Ⅱ㈨⩢̺ϲڤᰶႶڕᕔ倅ȠФᵩѻȠ
⎽⮱ज䲍ᕔহजពᆂᕔ㜠ڠ䛺㺮 [3-4] ȡౕऱ EES ⣜ධࣸສȠ䔯䙺ᕔᑧぶ➦◦喑ᰶ᩵㼐۠э㐌⩢⮱
㈨㐌͚喑䨯⻨ၽ⩢喍LIBs喎ڣ㘪䛼ჳᏓ倅হᓗ⣜ ᭀ⛰Ƞᭀ✳Ƞⴚ䌜☚䛷ᩫぶ㑧◦喑䔅जౕ፥⍖፥ࢸ
ᄬপ䪬喑ጟᎬ∈Ꮑ⩕λᮧ㘪⩢ၽ䃫ิহ⩢ߕ↪䒓 [5-7] ȡ ̸䔈㵹㏱㷲喑ݣิጒ㞧㺮ⅯѻȠ⻨ၽ䓮⼨䕌Ꮣᔘ喑
♣㔹喑⣝䭣⃢䨯⻨ၽ⩢ႅౕᭀ⛰Ƞ᱙倅Ƞᰶᱧ⩢ 㷘䃑ͧ᭜ LIBs ᰬА⮱ᰭڤज㘪⮱ϔ৮̭ȡⅡ㈨⩢
㼐⋟Ҁ㈨ᭀ䕍͒䛺⮱⣜ධᴀ喑䉱⎽࡛ͼぶ䬛䷅ [8-9] 喑 ͚喑㔰㭾ݝ H 2 O ⮱ᴴ۳Ჽ⅏⩢Ხ喍SHE喎⩢Ѻ䒰
ₑ喑ڣᏁ⩕ऄݝ䭽ݣȡ䨹⻨ၽ⩢喍ZIBs喎ڤᰶ 倅喍0.41 V vs. SHE喎喑э㐌䛾ᆋ⩢⮱⅔ࡃ䔅࣌⩢
⏣⋟⣜ධキࢂȠᕔ㘪ສȠႶڕᕔ倅Ƞ⣜Ԋぶх◦喑 Ѻ䒰ѻ喍ຯ Li喟–3.04 V vs. SHE喑Mg喟–2.38 V vs.
ᩣ⽬ᬒ喟2022-08-05; Ⴧ⩕ᬒ喟2022-10-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220730