Page 78 - 《精细化工》2023年第4期
P. 78

す 40 ࢤす 4 ᱌                             ㇫   ㏳   ࡃ   ጒ                                  Vol.40, No.4
             20 23 Ꭱ 4 ᰵ                             FINE CHEMICALS                                  Apr.  2023


                   喍ࢄϙ᳄͇๔႓  䒨ጒ̻丌৮႓䮏  ↌㟼Ⱞ᳄͇䉱⎽倅᩵ߍጒݖ⩕ࡼह݈᫝͚ᓰ喑↌㟼  ࢄϙ 210037喎

                 ͚ఫܳㆨत喟TM91喠TQ427.26    ᪴⡛ᴴ䃳⴮喟A      ᪴」㑃त喟1003-5214 (2023) 04-0764-11

                          Research advances on lignocellulose-based gel electrolytes

                                          LI Tianqi, ZHANG Lili, WANG Zhiguo
                 喍Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources, College of Light Industry
                 and Food Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China喎

                 Abstract:  Electrolyte, as one of the components  of  battery, capacitor  and other electronic equipment,
                 provides a  stable ion channel for the charging and  discharging process  of electronic equipment such as
                 battery and capacitors.  However, traditional liquid electrolytes are prone to leakage and influence of
                 environmental factors, which restricted their further application and development. Gel electrolyte is a kind
                 of electrolyte material with outstanding mechanical properties and excellent ionic conductivity, of which
                 lignocellulosic gel electrolyte exhibited high flexibility, good mechanical strength,  fast charge transfer
                 ability and other  physico-chemical properties, indicating new  opportunities for the  electrolyte research.
                 Herein, the preparation technology and research progress of cellulose, lignin and lignocellulose in the field
                 of gel electrolyte were introduced. The advantages, disadvantages and future  development directions  of
                 lignocellulose gel in preparation and functional applications were also summarized and proposed to provide
                 reference for the research of lignocellulose gel electrolytes.
                 Key words: gel electrolyte; supercapacitor; lignocellulose; gel; preparation and application

                 ⩢㼐䉕᭜⩢ღகࣷ⩢↍ぶ⩢ၽϔ৮⮱䛺㺮㏱᜽                          ᬍᱧᱽ᫆ᝃᴁᕔѳ߈႓ᕔ㘪ጛ⮱ⴠࡃϔ৮喑ᬍ∂ែ
            䘕У喑᭜ٲᩫ⩢䓴⼸͚⻨ၽ䓽ߕ⮱ᓲ㺮䒪Ҁ喑ౕו                             ڒ჋䭲Ꮑ⩕͚ ȡ܊㘣ᱽ᫆᭜̭⻺ڤᰶ̶㐡㑾⟣⾧
            㘪கУぶ㵹͇ڤᰶᎬ∈⮱Ꮑ⩕              [1-3] ȡэ㐌⋟ᔮ⩢㼐䉕          䬡㐀Ჱ⮱➖䉕喑̺ϲڤᰶ倅Ꮣज៶ѥᕔȠᑧ䴔ᕔȠ
            ࢍᢛⱭੳ⩕⩢㼐䉕⮱๔䘕ܳጯ౧喑ѳڣႅౕ⮱ᭀ⇱                             ᔘ䕌जԛฺᕔȠजߍጒᕔぶ➦ᕔ喑㔹́ڤᰶ倅⻨ၽ
            ␼Ƞ倅㙽㮭ᕔȠ倅⃿ᕔࣷᭀऄ⣜ධᒞ৺ぶ䬛䷅䭽ݣ                             ⩢ᄩ⢴喑ڣڲ䘕͝ჹ㜡ჳ⮱ႁ䯆㐀Ჱౕ҉ͧ⻨ၽэ
            γڣౕᬒ፥ᝃ⻾ⵁ䶳ഌ⮱Ꮑ⩕̻ࣾᆂȡ㔹ధᔮ⩢㼐                             䓀䕇䖀ᬣ䔅जВ➏ధ䨮Ѽڣ͚ٲᒀ⩢㼐⋟⮱⋟ᔮ䘕
            䉕⮱ധҀ̭㝙ͧ㘳ᕔ䓴๔⮱䛾ᆋ⅔ࡃ➖ᝃ⶘ࡃ➖ぶ                             ܳ㔹̺ࣾ⩌⇱␼ȡ܊㘣ᱽ᫆䔅こवⰛݺᴁᕔহज⾬

                 ᩣ⽬ᬒ᱌喟2022-08-06;  Ⴧ⩕ᬒ᱌喟2022-09-21; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20220735
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