Page 137 - 201810
P. 137
第 35 卷第 10 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.35, No.10
2018 年 10 月 FINE CHEMICALS Oct. 2018
(天津科技大学 化工与材料学院,天津 300457)
联剂质量分数、引发剂质量分数、丙烯酸中和度对暂堵剂性能的影响,采用 FTIR 和 SEM 对聚合物进行了表征。
结果表明:当反应温度 50 ℃、PEGDA 质量分数 0.02%(以单体质量为基准,下同)、引发剂质量分数 0.6%(以
单体质量为基准,下同)、膨润土质量分数 5%(以总质量为基准,下同)、丙烯酸中和度 80%时,合成的暂堵剂
性能最好,吸水倍率达 184 g/g,80 ℃水浴下,21 h 完全降解。另外,2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)和磺
关键词:可降解暂堵剂;水膨性;SEM 表征;岩心封堵;油田化学品
中图分类号:TQ316.31+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 10-1745-06
Preparation and Characterization of Degradable Temporary
Plugging Agent for Reservoir Reconstruction
CHANG Dong-mei, QI He-dong, GUO Li-mei
(College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457, China)
Abstract: A temporary plugging agent was prepared by an aqueous solution polymerization method using
acrylamide (AM) and sodium acrylate as monomers, bentonite as filler, polyethylene glycol diacrylate
(PEGDA) as cross-linking agent, mixture of potassium persulfate and sodium sulfite as initiator. The effects
of mass fraction of bentonite, mass fraction of cross-linking agent, mass fraction of initiator and
neutralization degree of acrylic acid on the properties of temporary plugging agent were investigated. The
polymer was characterized by FTIR and SEM. The results showed that when the reaction temperature was
50 ℃, the mass fraction of PEGDA was 0.02% (based on the mass of monomers, the same below), the mass
fraction of initiator was 0.6% (based on the mass of monomers, the same below), the mass fraction of
bentonite was 5% (based on the total mass, the same below) and the neutralization degree of acrylic acid
was 80%, the synthesized temporary plugging agent exhibited the best properties, and could completely
degrade within 21 hours at 80 ℃, with a water absorption rate of 184 g/g. Moreover, the introduction of
1-acrylanmido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid (AMPS) and sulfonated asphalt improved the salt resistance
and degradation rate of temporary plugging agent. And the good effect was observed by reservoir core
plugging experiment.
Key words: degradable temporary plugging agent; water-expansion; SEM characterization; reservoir core
plugging; oil-field chemicals
Foundation item: National Science and Technology Key Special Item "Reservoir Reconstruction Key Fluid
Development" (2017ZX05023-3)
近年来,水力压裂作为石油的增产措施受到人 们的青睐 [1-3] 。但是由于储层非均质性等原因 [4-6] ,
收稿日期:2017-08-10; 定用日期:2018-02-07; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20170650