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第 35 卷第 11 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.35, No.11
2018 年 11 月 FINE CHEMICALS Nov. 2018
张玉玲 ,李 伟 ,李旭东 ,康少鑫 ,侯肖邦
(1. 华北电力大学 环境科学与工程系,河北 保定 071003;2. 华能上安电厂,河北 石家庄 050310)
酸共聚物(PAC),参照静态阻垢法,以碳酸钙为目标垢型,考察了 PAC 对碳酸钙的抑制性能、与阻垢剂(HEDP)
的配伍性能以及阻垢性能对比,采用 FTIR、NMR、AFM 和 XRD 对 PAC 和碳酸钙晶体的形态、结构进行了表
征。结果表明:天冬氨酸和柠檬酸通过酰胺化、水解聚合反应合成了 PAC。PAC 对碳酸钙垢具有极好的抑制作
用,其抑制作用强于 HEDP。当 PAC 投加量为 6.4 mg/L 时,PAC 对碳酸钙的抑制率达 95.04%;PAC 与 HEDP
配伍性较好,PAC/HEDP 的阻垢、缓蚀效果均优于 PAC。AFM 和 XRD 分析结果表明:PAC 改变了碳酸钙晶体
中图分类号:TQ 317 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2018) 11-1877-08
Scale Inhibition Performance of Copoly (Aspartic acid-
Citric acid) on Calcium Carbonate
ZHANG Yu-ling , LI Wei , LI Xu-dong , KANG Shao-xin , HOU Xiao-bang
(1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003,
Hebei, China; 2. Huaneng Shang'an Power Plant, Shijiazhuang 050310, Hebei, China)
Abstract: Copoly (Aspartic acid-citric acid) (PAC) was prepared by copolymerizing aspartic acid and citric
acid under microwave heating. The scale inhibition performance of PAC to calcium carbonate and the
inhibition contrast and compatibility of PAC with scale inhibitor HEDP were investigated by static scale
inhibition method. The morphology and structure of calcium carbonate crystals and PAC were characterized
by FTIR, NMR, AFM and XRD. The results showed that PAC was obtained by amidation and hydrolysis
polymerization reaction of aspartic acid and citric acid. PAC had a better scale inhibition performance to
calcium carbonate than scale inhibitor HEDP. The inhibition efficiency of PAC against calcium carbonate
reached 95.04% with a concentration of 6.4 mg/L. PAC had good compatibility with HEDP, the inhibition
effect of PAC/HEDP was better than that of PAC. The analysis results of AFM and XRD demonstrated that
PAC changed the morphology and structure of calcium carbonate crystals, which were transformed from the
most stable calcite into the most unstable vaterite.
Key words: copoly (aspartic acid-citric acid); static scale inhibition method; calcium carbonate; inhibition
performance; compatibility; functional materials
Foundation items: Natural Science Foundation of China for the Youth (51308211); Natural Science
Foundation of Hebei Province (E2016502097)
碳酸钙广泛存在于地质化学、生物化学和材料 解度低,黏滞性强,极易附着于金属管道表面,从
化学中。根据碳酸钙存在形式不同可分为两类:水 而引起设备堵塞、热交换能力下降、离子交换膜损
合沉淀物和结垢。碳酸钙垢是循环冷却水系统和油 坏和缩短设备使用寿命等安全问题,腐蚀和生物结
田注入水系统中成垢的主要组成部分 [1-4] ,由于其溶 垢也是威胁循环冷却系统安全运行的重要因素 [5-6] 。
收稿日期:2017-10-17; 定用日期:2018-06-14; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20170839
作者简介: 张玉玲(1977—),女,副教授,博士。联系人:李 伟(1989—),男,硕士生,。