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第 11 期                       尹召龙,等: β-PASP 阻垢剂的合成及阻垢缓蚀性能                                ·2285·

                                                                   34(1): 20-24.
            3   结论                                             [7]   Wu Lanyan (吴兰艳), Yao Yuanyong (姚元勇), Tang Bangcheng (唐
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                                                                   (材料保护), 2017, 50(7): 41-44.
            珀酰亚胺进行开环改性,得到 3 种 β-PASP 阻垢剂,
                                                               [8]   Gao  Yuhua  (高玉华), Liu Zhenfa  (刘振法).  Research  progress  of
            通过正交实验和单因素实验以及性能对比实验,得                                 green scale inhibitor for industrial circulating water[J]. Cleaning the
            到的主要结论:                                                World (清洗世界), 2018, 34(9): 32-38.
                                                               [9]   Liu Lei (刘蕾). Research progress of domestic green corrosion and
                 (1)在前期研究基础之上,以 EBA-PASP 对碳                        scale inhibitors[J]. Safety and Environmental Protection Technology
            酸钙的阻垢性能为评价指标,通过正交实验优化了                                 of Petrochemical Industry (石化工业技术), 2017, 33(3): 36-40.
                                                               [10]  Zhang Yuling (张玉玲), Liu Xiaodong (刘晓冬), Zhao Caixia (赵彩
            中间体 PSI 的合成条件。PSI 的最佳合成条件为:n                           霞),  et al.  Complexation  properties  of  aspartic  acid-malic  acid
            (马来酸酐) ∶n(碳酸铵)=1∶1.2、脱水温度 90  ℃、                       copolymer  with  Ca [J].  Fine  Chemicals  (精细化工),  2017,  34(5):
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                 (2)采用单因素实验法优化了 3 种改性产品的                           functional groups of polyaspartic acid derivatives on scale inhibition
            合成工艺,并用验证实验考察了实验结果可靠性。                                 performance [J]. Cleaning the World (清洗世界), 2018, 34(3): 21-26.
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                                                               [14]  Yang Yuhua (杨玉华), Yin Zhaolong (尹召龙), Zhang Geng (张庚),
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                                                                   et al. Preparation of a β-dicarbonyl compound modified polyaspartic
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            而且在很大程度上解决了现有改性技术存在的反应                             [18]  Lv Xiaogai (吕小改), Cen Shihong (岑世宏), Wu Yufeng (吴玉锋),
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            污染大、产物不可生物降解或降解产物对生态系统                                 acid/p-aminobenzamide  grafts[J].  Chemical  Research  (化学研究),
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