Page 170 - 精细化工2019年第12期
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第 36 卷第 12 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.36, No.12
             2019 年 12 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Dec.    2019

                   种分分解法制备 EVA 阻燃剂用亚微米氢氧化铝

                                                范伟东      1,2 ,李旺兴      1,3

                 (1.  中南大学  冶金与环境学院,湖南  长沙    410083;2.  中国铝业郑州有色金属研究院有限公司,河南  郑
                 州    450041;3.  中国铝业集团有限公司,北京    100082)

                 铝酸钠溶液中进行种分分解,制备出亚微米氢氧化铝粉体。在添加剂为乙酸、中和反应温度为 60  ℃、搅拌速度
                 为 400 r/min、种分分解过程分解首温为 60  ℃、分解末温为 55  ℃、分解时间 48 h、晶种添加量(晶种的质量分
                 数,下同)为 2%的条件下,制备出了粒度中位径(D 50 )在 1.80 μm 左右,比表面积<5.0 m /g 的亚微米氢氧化
                 铝粉体,该粉体结晶完整,形貌为块状。该氢氧化铝粉体和目前 EVA 阻燃剂所用国外氢氧化铝产品相比,在粒
                 关键词:种分分解;氢氧化铝;EVA 阻燃剂;形貌控制;橡塑助剂
                 中图分类号:TQ320.4      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 12-2498-05

                           Preparation of Submicron Aluminum Hydroxide Used as

                                     EVA Flame Retardant by Precipitation

                                             FAN Wei-dong , LI Wang-xing
                 (1. School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China; 2. Zhengzhou
                 Non-ferrous Metals Research Institute Corporation Limited of  Aluminum Corporation  of China Limited, Zhengzhou,
                 450041, Henan China; 3. Aluminum Corporation of China Limited, Beijing 100082, China)

                 Abstract: Aluminum nitrate and sodium aluminate solution were used as main raw materials, after adding
                 appropriate amount of additive, aluminum hydroxide seed crystal was prepared via neutralization method.
                 Submicron aluminum hydroxide powers were prepared by adding the seed crystal into sodium aluminate
                 solution. When acetic acid was used as an additive, neutralization temperature was 60  ℃, stirring speed
                 was 400 r/min, and beginning temperature of precipitation was 60  ℃, final temperature was 55  ℃, total
                 precipitation time was 48 h, and dosage of seed crystal was 2% (mass fraction, the same below), submicron
                 aluminum hydroxide powers with median diameter (D 50) of 1.80 μm and specific surface area <5.0 m /g
                 were  obtained.  The  powders  had  complete  crystal  and  its  morphology  was  blocky.  The  particle  size
                 distribution, specific surface area, oil absorption and morphology of the prepared product were similar to
                 the aluminum hydroxide used as EVA retardant from abroad. Therefore, the prepared aluminum hydroxide
                 can substitute for similar foreign products.
                 Key words: precipitation; aluminum hydroxide; EVA retardant; morphology control; rubber and plastics

                 正乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)广泛用于电                        在 3~5  m /g,灼减(样品在 1100  ℃下灼烧质量损
            气、电缆行业,而 EVA 所使用的阻燃剂中,用量最                          失)小于 34.5%。该亚微米氢氧化铝产品的阻燃填
            大的就是氢氧化铝(ATH)            [1-2] 。EVA 阻燃剂用 ATH       充量在 60%(质量分数)以上,因此,氢氧化铝粉
            产品为亚微米级氢氧化铝产品,产品规格通常为:                             体的物理化学性能,对于 EVA 的力学性能具有极大
            粒度 D 50 在 1.5~2.0 μm,D 90 小于 6.0 μm,比表面积           的影响   [3-6] 。

                 收稿日期:2019-04-10;  定用日期:2019-06-19; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190299
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