Page 101 - 201904
P. 101
第 36 卷第 4 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.4
201 9 年 4 月 FINE CHEMICALS Apr. 2019
郭 欣,季永新 ,陈德琪,吴兆辉
(南京林业大学 化学工程学院,江苏 南京 210037)
摘要:将亚麻油酸与环氧树脂 E-51 进行开环反应制得了环氧酯,然后将其替代部分多元醇参与水性醇酸树脂的
性能的影响。结果表明,环氧酯最优合成工艺条件为:反应温度 110 ℃,反应时间 4 h,四丁基溴化铵用量为反
应物总质量的 1%,在该条件下,合成树脂的酸值为 10.3 mg KOH/g;当环氧酯用量为醇酸树脂总质量的 10%时,
树脂及其漆膜的综合性能最优,且通过 TG 测试表明,环氧改性后水性醇酸树脂漆膜的热稳定性得到明显改善。
中图分类号:TQ630.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 04-0627-06
Synthesis and Properties of Epoxy Modified Water-borne Alkyd Resin
GUO Xin, JI Yong-xin , CHEN De-qi, WU Zhao-hui
(College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, Jiangsu, China)
Abstract: Epoxy ester was prepared by ring-opening reaction of linoleic acid with epoxy resin E-51, and
then it was employed as monomer to involved in the preparation of water-borne alkyd resin. The structure
of the product was characterized by FTIR. The synthesis process of epoxy ester was mainly investigated. In
addition, the effect of the dosage of epoxy ester on the performances of the epoxy modified water-borne
alkyd resin and paint film was analyzed. The results showed that the optimum conditions for the synthesis
of epoxy ester was as follows: reaction temperature 110 ℃, reaction time 4 h, tetrabutylammonium bromide
dosage being 1% of the tatal mass of all reactants. Under these conditions, the acid value of the obtained
epoxy resin was 10.3 mg KOH/g. When the epoxy ester content was 10% of total mass of alkyd resin, the
overall performance of resin and its paint film was the best. TG measurement revealed that epoxy
modification significantly improved the thermal stability of the waterborne alkyd resin paint film.
Key words: epoxy ester; water-borne alkyd resin; water resistance; thermostability; functional materials
水性醇酸树脂是应用较为广泛的一种环境友好 行酯化,得到含有特定官能团(如—OH)环氧酯后,
型涂料,因其结构中具有双键、羟基和羧基等多种 再改性醇酸树脂。Dutta [11] 等采用铁力木籽油、苯酐、
官能团,涂装时对基材的润湿性较好,漆膜的透气 马来酸酐为原料,利用醇解法合成了醇酸树脂,再
性及外观均较优 [1-2] 。但其涂膜干燥较慢、耐腐蚀性 用环氧树脂制备成混合树脂。Hasmukh [12] 等用菜籽
及耐水性较差等缺点亟需改进 [3-5] 。目前,常用水性 油对双酚 A 型环氧树脂进行改性后,再加入一定比
醇酸树脂改性方法有丙烯酸类改性、环氧树脂改性、 例的醇酸树脂进行混合,得到了硬度、柔韧性以及
聚氨酯改性、有机硅改性纳米材料等 。其中,通 耐化学品性能优异的改性树脂。齐增清 [13] 等利用高
过环氧树脂改性,既可保留水性醇酸树脂的优点, 温下环氧树脂的环氧基与多元醇羟基通过开环反应
还能结合环氧树脂的优良粘结性、耐化学品性及自 合成醚醇,再与不饱和油或饱和油进行醇解,然后
干性等 [7-9] 。 再加入苯酐、偏酐酯化得到含有一定量侧链羧基的
环氧树脂改性醇酸树脂常用方法有物理共混和 醇酸树脂,最后得到的水性环氧改性醇酸树脂干燥
化学改性两种 [10] 。这两种方法均需先将环氧树脂进 速度快、附着力好、耐水性也较好。
收稿日期:2018-04-13; 定用日期:2019-01-14; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180262
作者简介:郭 欣(1993—),女,硕士生。联系人:季永新(1962—),男,教授,。