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第 36 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.4
             201 9 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.    2019


                            张雪梅,李金辉,张家银,王蕊蕊,董   垚,殷思煜

                         (延安大学  化学与化工学院,陕西省化学反应工程重点实验室,陕西  延安    716000)

                 摘要:采用浸渍法,以纳米 Fe 3 O 4 和硬脂酸对聚氨酯海绵进行了表面改性,制备了磁驱动超疏水海绵,并对其
                 进行了 XRD、FTIR、TG、接触角测试。结果显示:改性后的海绵水接触角高达 158,热稳定性较原始海绵明
                 显提高,弹性性能未遭到破坏,置于高温(热水 50~90 ℃,热空气 80~120 ℃)、强腐蚀溶液(pH=2~13)的苛
                 刻条件下 24 h 后,水接触角仍然高于 148。将改性后的海绵用于油/水混合物的分离中,表现出了优异的分离能
                 中图分类号:TB34      文献标识码:A     文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 04-0622-06

                    Preparation of a Magnetically Driven Superhydrophobic Sponge for
                                             Oil and Water Separation

                      ZHANG Xue-mei, LI Jin-hui, ZHANG Jia-yin, WANG Rui-rui, DONG Yao, YIN Si-yu
                 (Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
                 Yan'an University, Yan'an 716000, Shaanxi, China)

                 Abstract: In this study, the surface of polyurethane sponge was modified by impregnation method with
                 Fe 3O 4 nanoparticles and stearic acid to prepare a magnetically driven superhydrophobic sponge. The sample
                 was characterized by XRD, FTIR, TG and contact angle measurement techniques. The results showed that
                 the water contact angle of the as-prepared sponge was up to 158 and the thermal stability was obviously
                 higher than that the pristine sponge. The sample exhibited excellent elastic performance. Moreover, after the
                 prepared sponge was placed under severe conditions, such as high temperature (hot water 50~90 ℃  and hot
                 air 80~120 ℃) and strong corrosive solution (pH= 2~13) for 24 h, its water contact angle was still more
                 than 148. The as-prepared sponge showed excellent separation capacities for oil and water mixtures, and it
                 could be driven and recycled simply by magnets.
                 Key words: magnetically driven; superhydrophobic materials; polyurethane sponge; oil and water separation;
                 functional materials
                 Foundation items: Key Laboratory Research Projects of Department of Educational of Shaanxi Province
                 (17JS141); Training Program of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates of Shaanxi Province

                 近年来随着城市化和工业化进程的加快,水体                          油水分离已成为石油和化学工业十分紧迫的任务之一。
            中油类污染物和海上石油泄漏的问题日益突出,对                                 目前,处理含油废水的吸附材料主要为活性炭、
            人类健康、水环境以及生态环境平衡造成了很大的                             有机-无机杂化材料、二氧化硅及黏土、高分子树脂
            危害,油污染水源已经成为全球急需解决的重要环                             等多孔材料。传统吸附材料往往带有一定的亲水基
            境问题之一      [1-3] ,如何快速有效地对油污染水源进行                  团,材料吸附有机物的同时也会吸附水分子。而超

                 收稿日期:2018-09-05;  定用日期:2018-12-24; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180663
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