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第 36 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.4
             201 9 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.    2019


                           (安徽大学  化学化工学院  安徽省绿色高分子重点实验室,安徽  合肥    230601)

                 摘要:以异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯、聚碳酸酯二元醇和一缩二乙二醇为原料,合成硬段质量分数为 30%的聚碳酸酯
                 合物电解质(SPE)。通过红外光谱分析了聚氨酯结构,采用 TG、DSC 测试了聚氨酯及电解质的热学性能,并
                 采用交流阻抗、线性扫描伏安测试探究了不同 LiTFSI 质量分数对电解质电化学性能的影响。结果表明,随着
                 LiTFSI 质量分数的增加,聚氨酯基固态聚合物电解质的室温离子电导率呈现先增大后减小再增大的趋势,当锂
                 盐质量分数为 70%时,制备的电解质离子电导率达到最大值(1.28×10  S/cm),以此固态电解质与 LiFePO 4 正
                 极组装的固态电池在 60 ℃、0.2 C 电流密度时放电比容量为 153 mA·h/g,循环 100 次容量保持率为 84%。
                 中图分类号:TQ317      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 04-0737-07

                          Preparation and Properties of Solid Electrolytes Based on
                                 Polyurethane with High Lithium Salt Content

                     SHI Gao-jian, MA Pei-yu, SONG You-xin, BAO Jun-jie, HUANG Yi-ping, XU Ge-wen
                 (Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Environment-Friendly Polymer Materials, College  of Chemistry  & Chemical
                 Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, Anhui, China)

                 Abstract: Polycarbonate polyurethane (PCPU) with 30% mass fraction of hard segment was synthesized
                 from isophorone diisocyanate, polycarbonate diol and diethylene glycol. The synthesized PCPU and lithium
                 bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI) were combined to prepare solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs)
                 with  various  lithium  salt  mass  fractions.  The  structure  of  polyurethane  was  analyzed  by  infrared
                 spectroscopy. The thermal properties of polyurethane and electrolytes were tested by TG and DSC. The
                 effects  of  different  LiTFSI  mass  fractions  on  the  electrochemical  properties  of  the  prepared  electrolytes
                 were  investigated  by  AC  impedance  and  linear  sweep  voltammetry.  The  results  indicated  that  with  the
                 increase of LiTFSI mass fraction, the ionic conductivity of PCPU-based solid polymer electrolyte at room
                 temperature  firstly  increases  then  decreases  and  then  increases.  Especially,  when  the  mass  fraction  of
                 LiTFSI was 70%, the ionic conductivity of the resulting solid polymer electrolyte reached the maximum
                 value  (1.28×10   S/cm)  among  the  as-prepared  electrolytes.  The  all-solid-state  battery using this  PCPU-
                 based electrolyte and LiFePO 4 delivered the discharge capacity of 153 mA·h/g at rate of 0.2 C at 60 ℃, and
                 the capacity retention reached 84% after 100 cycles.
                 Key words: polymer electrolyte; lithium battery; polycarbonate; polyurethane; electro-organic chemistry
                 and industry
                 Foundation  items:  Natural  Science  Foundation  of  Anhui  Province  (1808085QE173);  Anhui  Provincial
                 Natural Science Research Project (KJ2017A031)

                 因传统锂离子电池存在易泄露、易着火、易爆                          成为当前研究的热点。固态聚合物电解质(SPE)
            炸等安全问题       [1-2] ,以固态电解质制备的固态锂电池                 因具有柔韧性好、加工成型简单、成本低等优点引

                 收稿日期:2018-08-01;  定用日期:2018-12-13; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180575
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