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第 36 卷第 4 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.4
             201 9 年 4 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Apr.    2019


                                 徐   洋,赵新叶,王俊龙,职慧珍 ,杨锦飞
                                   (南京师范大学  化学与材料科学学院,江苏  南京    210023)

                 摘要:以磷酸和环氧丙烷为原料,Et 3 NHCl-AlCl 3 离子液体为催化剂合成反应型阻燃剂——三(2-羟丙基)磷酸
                 酯。采用红外、核磁、质谱对其结构进行了表征。考察了催化剂种类及用量、物料比〔n(H 3 PO 4 )∶n(环氧丙烷)〕、
                 反应时间和反应温度等因素对反应的影响。得到最佳反应条件为:n(H 3 PO 4 )∶n(环氧丙烷)=1.0∶3.2,反应温度
                 为 90 ℃,反应时间为 3 h,Et 3 NHCl-AlCl 3 用量为 3%(以磷酸和环氧丙烷的总质量为基准,下同),在该条件下
                 三(2-羟丙基)磷酸酯收率可达 92.8%。热重分析表明,温度 600 ℃时,三(2-羟丙基)磷酸酯的残炭率为 16.66%,
                 中图分类号:TQ328      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 04-0771-05

                                 Synthesis of Tris (2-hydroxypropyl) phosphate

                            XU Yang, ZHAO Xin-ye, WANG Jun-long, ZHI Hui-zhen , YANG Jin-fei
                     (College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China)

                 Abstract: A reactive flame retardant, tris (2-hydroxypropyl) phosphate was synthesized using phosphoric
                 acid and propylene oxide as raw materials in the presence of a catalytic amount of Et 3 NHCl-AlCl 3 ionic
                 liquid. Its structure was characterized by FTIR, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. The
                 effects of the type and amount of catalyst, molar ratio of phosphoric acid to propylene oxide, reaction
                 time  and  reaction  temperature  on  the  yield  of  the  product  were  studied.  The  results  showed  that  the
                 optimum  conditions  were  as  follows:  n(phosphoric  acid) : n(propylene  oxide)=1.0 : 3.2,  reaction
                 temperature 90 ℃, reaction time 3 h, catalyst dosage 3% (based on the total mass of phosphoric acid and
                 propylene oxide, the same below). Under these conditions, the yield of tris (2-hydroxypropyl) phosphate
                 reached  92.8%.  The  performances  of  the  product  were  excellent.  The  thermogravimetric  analysis
                 revealed that carbon yield of tris (2-hydroxypropyl) phosphate was 16.66% at 600 ℃, its stability met the
                 material processing requirements.
                 Key  words:  flame  retardant;  propylene  oxide;  tris  (2-hydroxypropyl)  phosphate;  green  synthesis;  fine
                 chemical intermediates
                 Foundation  items:  Jiangsu  Province  Industry  Foresight  and  Common  Key  Technologies  of the Key
                 Research Project (BE2017165); Incubation Project of Changzhou and Zhenjiang Innovation and Development
                 Research Institute of Nanjing Normal University

                 随着社会的不断发展,人类对火的预防愈发重                          为替代卤系阻燃剂的品种之一。阻燃改性最常用方
            视,以阻燃为目的的阻燃材料技术得到大力发展,                             法是在高分子材料中引入添加型               [3-7] 或反应型  [8-9] 阻
            成为全球关注热点之一           [1-2] 。有机磷系阻燃剂品种繁             燃剂。添加型阻燃剂存在添加量大、易迁移、相容
            多,具有高效、无毒、无卤、无烟等优点,被公认                             性差等缺点,在应用上受到一定限制。与添加型阻

                 收稿日期:2018-08-21;  定用日期:2019-01-22; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180613
                 作者简介:徐   洋(1994—),男,硕士生。联系人:职慧珍(1974—),女,副教授,。
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