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第 36 卷第 5 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.5
             201 9 年 5 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 May    2019



                             李大刚      1,2 ,陈晓玲 ,陈崇城 ,王志文 ,李云龙                             1,2
                 (1.  黎明职业大学  材料与化学工程学院,福建  泉州  362000;2.  实用化工材料福建省高校应用技术工程
                 中心,福建  泉州  362000)

                 摘要:以丙烯酸(AA)、壳聚糖(CTS)为单体,选用抗坏血酸(V C )为还原剂取代传统胺类还原剂,通过低
                 温冷冻聚合法一步制备了富含—COOH 基团和—NH 2 基团的两性型规整吸附介质 p(AA-co-CTS),聚合时间从文
                 献报道的 18  h 缩短至 5  h。通过 SEM 对 p(AA-co-CTS)规整吸附介质进行表征,其内部孔隙连续,孔径范围为
                 100~500 μm。聚合最优配方为:引发剂过硫酸铵(APS)与 V C 总质量分数为 0.75%(以聚合体系总质量计,下
                 同),V C 与 APS 的质量比为 0.5∶1.0,单体总质量分数为 7%(以聚合体系总质量计,下同),m(CTS)∶m(AA)=0.2∶
                 1.0,交联剂 N,N-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBA)质量分数为 1.05%(以聚合体系总质量计,下同)。借助吸附传质
                 单元数(NTU)法探究了传质参数与多肽吸附操作条件的关系,并确定最佳吸附条件为:吸附液流速 3~4 mL/min,
                 吸附温度 293.15 K,进料液质量浓度 400~500 mg/L。所制备的两性型分离介质属于超大孔隙规整介质,最
                 大动态吸附容量为 74.5~79.4 mg/g,应用上可取代传统吸附工艺中需过滤、离心及层析等单元操作的散装吸
                 中图分类号:TQ326.4      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 05-0971-08

                           Preparation and Adsorption Properties of p(AA-co-CTS)
                                  Amphoteric Continuous Adsorption Medium

                     LI Da-gang , CHEN Xiao-ling , CHEN Chong-cheng , WANG Zhi-wen , LI Yun-long
                 (1. College of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Liming Vocational University, Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China;
                 2. Applied  Technology Engineering Center of Fujian Provincial Higher Education for Practical Chemical Material,
                 Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China)
                 Abstract: A continuous amphoteric adsorption medium p(AA-co-CTS) rich in carboxyl and amino groups
                 was prepared by one step copolymerization using acrylic acid (AA) and chitosan (CTS) as raw materials,
                 and ascorbic acid (V C) as reducing agent instead of traditional amine reductant. The polymerization time
                 was  shortened  from  18  hours  reported  in  literature  to  5  hours.  SEM  showed  that  the  pore  structure  of
                 p(AA-co-CTS) adsorption medium prepared was continuous and the pore size scale was 100~500 μm. The
                 optimum polymerization parameters were as follows: ammonium persulfate (ASP) and V C as initiator  had
                 0.75%  total  mass  fraction,  m(V C)∶m(APS)=0.5∶1.0.  Monomers  had  7%  mass  fraction,  m(CTS)∶
                 m(AA)=0.2∶1.0.  Cross-linking agent N, N'-methylene bisacrylamide (MBA) had 1.05%  mass fraction.
                 The relationship between mass transfer parameters and the operation conditions of polypeptide adsorption
                 was  studied  by  number  of  mass  transfer  units  (NTU)  method.  The  optimum  adsorption  operation
                 conditions were determined as follows: the flow rate of adsorption liquid was 3~4 mL/min, the adsorption
                 temperature  was  293.15  K,  and  the  feed  concentration  was  400~500  mg/L.  The  prepared  amphoteric

                 收稿日期:2018-12-28;  定用日期:2019-03-30; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20180962
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