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第 6 期                    常柄权,等:  变叶海棠叶总黄酮的分离纯化及体外抗炎活性                                   ·1155·

            to the stretching vibration of C—O—C groups (1125~
            940 cm ). The peaks at 892.97 cm  and 829.32 cm
            indicate that the flexural vibration of C==C—H groups
            in FMTs (900~650 cm ) might exist.
            3.9  Effects  of  FMTs  on  the  macrophage
                 inflammatory response
            3.9.1    Effects  of  FMTs  on  the  Viability  of  RAW
                   264.7 Macrophages
               Inflammation  is  an  integral  part  of  the  complex
            biological  interactions  that  arise  in  any  tissues  in
            response  to  bacterial,  chemical  or  physical  injury.
            During  the  inflammatory  response,  monocyte-
            differentiated macrophages produce pro-inflammatory
            cytokines  such  as  interleukin  (IL)-1β,  IL-6,  and
            tumour  necrosis  factor-α (TNF-α),  as  well  as  low-
            molecular-weight mediators such as nitric oxide (NO)
            via inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Macrophages
            express  a  large  number  of  pattern  recognition
            receptors,  and  they  can  be  activated  directly  by  the
            pathogens associated with molecular patterns or their
            products.  Murine  macrophage-like  RAW  264.7  cells
            are  commonly  used  for  research  on  the  anti-
            inflammatory  response [28-31] .  The  cell  viability  was
            measured  based  on  the  formation  of  blue  formazan,
            which  is  metabolized  from  colourless  MTT  by
            mitochondrial dehydrogenases, enzymes that are only
            active  in  live  cells [32] .  The  cytotoxicity  of  FMTs  on
            RAW 264.7 macrophages was determined through the
            MTT assay. In Fig.6, FMTs (50 to 400 mg/L) did not
            significantly  change  the  cell  viability.  Thus,  the
            concentration range of FMTs was maintained between

            50 mg/L and 400 mg/L for subsequent experiments.

            Fig. 6    Effects  of  FMTs  on  cell  viability.  RAW  264.7
                   macrophages  cells  were  incubated  for  12  h  with
                   various  concentrations  of  FMTs  (50~400  mg/L).   +  Indicates  the  addition  of  the  substance;    Indicates  the
                   Cell  viability  was  determined  as  described  in   absence of the substance
                   Section 3.9.1. Bar represents the mean ± S.D. of 3   Fig. 7    Effects of FMTs on nitrite (A), IL-6 (B), IL-1β (C)
                   independent experiments.                          and  TNF-α  (D)  production  in  RAW264.7
                                                                     macrophages  stimulated  with  LPS.  Cells  were
            3.9.2    Effect  of  FMTs  on  the  LPS-induced          pre-treated  with  indicated  concentrations  of  FMTs
                   overproduction of NO in RAW 264.7 cells           for 12 h, and stimulated 18 h with LPS (1 mg/L).
               NO  is  known  to  be  a  pro-inflammatory  mediator   The concentration of nitrite (A), IL-6 (B), IL-1β (C)
            and  is  produced  from  arginine  after  the  activation  of   and TNF-α (D) were determined as described under
                                                                     Materials  and  method.  Data  represent  the  mean
            iNOS,  which  is  an  important  substance  involved  in   values of three experiments± SD.*P<0.05 compared
            immune regulation and defence. The level of macrophage     to the group treated with LPS.
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