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第 6 期                    常柄权,等:  变叶海棠叶总黄酮的分离纯化及体外抗炎活性                                   ·1151·

            for  4  h.  After  the  absorption  equilibrium,  the  resins   wet-packed into a glass column (35 mm  × 450 mm),
            were washed twice with deionized water. Then, 50 mL   with a bed volume  (BV)  of 50  mL.  The  adsorption
            of  70%  ethanol  (volume  fraction)  was  added  to  the   process  was  performed  by  pumping  the  sample
            flasks for desorption. The flasks were shaken by using   solution through the pretreated glass column at a rate
            a shaking incubator with a speed of 150 r/min at 25 ℃   of  2  BV/h.  After  the  adsorption  equilibration,  the
            for 4 h. After the adsorption and desorption equilibrium,   adsorbed column was washed with distilled water and
            the  solutions  were  filtered  and  the  corresponding   subsequently  desorbed  with  gradient  ethanol-water
            adsorption  and  desorption  ratios  of  each  resin  were   solutions at a rate of 2 BV/h. The FMTs concentrations
            calculated using the equations below [18] :        in  each  eluent  were  analysed  using  HPLC.  Then,  the
                                        ρ   ρ                 eluent  was  concentrated  to  dryness  under  vacuum  to
                    Adsorption ratio: /%   A  0  e    100    calculate the product purity.
                                          ρ 0
                                         ρ  V                   Several variables were studied, including the initial
                  Desorption ratio: D /%   d  d    100       concentration of the sample solution, feeding volume
                                      (  0    e  )ρ   ρ  V i  and different proportions of ethanol-aqueous solutions
               Where,   0 :  the  initial  concentration  of  total   for the desorption.
            flavonoids  in  solution  (g/L);   e :  the  equilibrium   2.8    FTIR  analysis  and  surface  morphology
            concentration of total flavonoids in solution (g/L);  d :   characterization of FMTs
            the equilibrium concentration of total flavonoids in the   The infrared spectrum of FMTs was recorded on a
            desorption  solution  (g/L);  V d :  the  volume  of  the   Fourier  Transform  Infrared  (FTIR)  spectrometer
            desorption  solution  (mL);  and  V i :  the  volume  of  the   (VERTEX 70, Bruker, Germany) using KBr pellets in
            solution in the flasks after adsorption (mL).      the infrared region of 4000~400 cm  at a resolution of
            2.6    Static adsorption isotherms                 4 cm .
               To determine the absorption isotherms of AB-8, five   2.9    Anti-inflammatory activity
            groups of flasks containing 1 g of resin were prepared   2.9.1    Cell Culture and Viability Assay (MTT)
            as  described  above.  Then,  50  mL  of  the  aqueous   RAW 264.7 macrophages were cultured at 37 ℃ in
            extract  solutions  at  different  initial  FMTs  (0.085,   a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO 2  in RPMI-
            0.256, 0.507, 1.247, and 2.483 g/L) was added to the   1640  supplemented  with  10%  heat-inactivated  FBS,
            flasks. Thermostatic oscillation was then conducted at   penicillin G (100 units/mL), and streptomycin (100 g/L).
            three different temperatures, 25℃, 35℃, and 45℃, for   The  cytotoxicity  of  FMTs  was  evaluated  with  a
            4  h.  After  the  adsorption,  FMTs  were  measured  and   3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium
            the  adsorption  capacity  of  each  resin  was  calculated   bromide (MTT) assay. RAW 264.7 macrophages were
            according to the following formula:                seeded  into  96-well  plates,  treated  with  various
                                     (    )ρ   ρ  V          concentrations (50, 100, 200, and 400 mg/L) of FMTs,
               Adsorption  capacity:Q    0  e  0              and incubated for 24 h. Afterward, 2.5 g/L MTT was
                                     ρ  V                     added  to  each  well,  and  the  cells  were  further
               Desorption capacity:Q    d  d                  incubated for 4 h. The supernatant was removed, and
               Where, V 0 : the initial volume of the solution added   DMSO (150 µL) was added to dissolve the formazan
            to the flask (ml); W: the weight of the dried resin in   crystals formed in the viable cells. The absorbance of
            each flask (g).                                    each  well  was  determined  at  490  nm  by  using  a
                                                               microplate reader.
               The Langmuir and Freundlich models were used to
            evaluate the adsorption behaviour between the adsorbate   2.9.2    Cytokine measurements (NO, IL-6, IL-1β, and
            and the adsorbent [19] .                             The anti-inflammatory effects of FMTs were assessed,
               Langmuir isotherms:
                                   Q   K  ρ                  by  measuring  the  levels  of  nitric  oxide  (NO),
                            Q e    1  m  L   K  ρ  e        interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and tumour

               Freundlich isotherms:   L  e                    necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were measured. The nitrite
                                                               concentration  in  the  medium  was  measured  as  an
                                        1                      indicator  of  NO  production  by  the  Griess  reaction.
                                 Q   K  ρ  n
                               e    F  e                       Briefly,  100  μL  of  each  supernatant  was  mixed  with
               In addition, the adsorption properties of the selected   the  same  volume  of  the  Griess  reagent,  and  the
            resin  were  evaluated  at  different  initial  pH  values   absorbance of the mixture at 525 nm was determined
            (2.0~6.0) of the sample solutions.                 with an ELISA plate reader. RAW 264.7 macrophages
            2.7    Dynamic adsorption and desorption tests     were cultured in 24-well plates, preincubated for 12 h
               The separation properties of the selected resin were   with various concentrations of FMTs (50~400 mg/L),
            evaluated  using  dynamic  adsorption  and  desorption   and  then  treated  for  18  h  with  LPS  (1  mg/L).  The
            tests.  First,  35  g  (wet  weight)  of  AB-8  resin  was   culture medium was collected, and the concentrations
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