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第 36 卷第 6 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.36, No.6
             201 9 年 6 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 June    2019


            Separation and Purification of Flavonoids in Malus toringoides
            (Rehd.) Hughes Leaves with Macroporous Resins and

            Evaluation of anti-Inflammation Activities

            CHANG Bing-quan , LI Bin , YUAN Rui-ying , ZHUOMA Dong-zhi , HUANG shan
            (1. Department of Pharmacy, College of Chemical Engineering,  Qingdao University  of Science and  Technology,
            Qingdao 266042,Shandong China; 2. Department of Medicament, College of Medicine, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000,
            AR TICLE INFO                 A B S T R A C T

            Article history:              The purpose of this research was to study the purification process of flavonoids in Malus
            Received 29 October 2018      toringoides  (Rehd.)  Hughes  leaves  (FMTs),  adsorption  and  desorptiontests  optimised  the
            Accepted 29 January 2019      purification  parameters.  AB-8  resin  was  selected  by  comparing  the  adsorption  and
            Published 15 june 2019        desorption ability of FMTs on twelve types of resins. The results showed that the optimal
            DOI:10.13550/j.jxhg.20180797   purification parameters of static adsorption and desorption were the sample at pH=4 with 3

                                          h of adsorption; the desorption solvent was 70% ethanol (volume fraction, pH=7.0) with 3 h
            Keywords:                     of  desorption.  The  best  dynamic  parameters  were  a  sample  loading  amount  of  9  bed
            Malus toringoides (Rehd.) Hughes   volumes (BV) at a feeding flow rate of 2 BV/h and washing the column with 6 BV of water,
            leaves                        followed  by  subsequent  flushing  with  20%  (6  BV),  40%  (6  BV),  60%  (6  BV)  and  80%
            Flavonoids                    (6 BV) ethanol in water (volume fraction) at an elution flow rate of 2 BV/h. Under these
            Macroporous resins            conditions, the mass fraction of FMTs increased from 32.79% to 59.18%. The existence of
            Anti-inflammation activities   flavonoids was confirmed by their characteristic functional groups that were identified by
            Drug and cosmetic materials   infrared spectroscopy. Meanwhile, FMTs in the dosage range of 50 to 400 mg/L showed a
                                          significant  anti-inflammatory  effect  on  lipopolysaccharide  (LPS)-induced  RAW  264.7
                                          mouse macrophage cells, which could inhibit the secretion of NO, IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α
            Foundation item:              through the inhibition of inflammatory-related gene expression.
            National Natural Science
            Foundation of China (81760779);
            Natural Science Foundation of   Article ID: 1003-5214(2019)06-1149-10
            Xizang (Tibet) Autonomous Region

            1. Introduction                                    biological  and  pharmacological  activities,  including
                                                               anti-allergic,  anti-inflammatory,  antioxidant,  anti-
               As  a  traditional  folk  medicine  in  Tibet,  Malus   microbial, anti-cancer and anti-diarrheal activities [5-10] .
            toringoides  (Rehd.)  Hughes  (MT),  a  rosaceous  plant,   Previous studies have shown that flavonoids from the
            is  widely  distributed  on  the  Qinghai-Tibetan  Plateau   Malus toringoides (Rehd.) Hughes leaves may possess
            and can be obtained at an altitude of 3000-3700 m [1-2] .   an  antidiabetic  activity  in  diabetic  mice  and  rats [11] .
            Fresh MT leaves are usually used as a healthy drink in   Hence,  it  is  necessary  to  develop  an  effective
            Tibet. Among Tibetan people, this drink is regarded as   purification  technology  to  obtain  FMTs  with  high
            a  medicine  to  treat  diseases  such  as  liver  injury,   purity for pharmaceutical applications.
            hypopepsia,  hyperglycemia,  hyperlipidemia  and     Recently, sorbents, particularly macroporous resins,
            hypertension [3-4] .  Flavonoids,  widely  distributed  in   have  been  widely  applied  in  the  separation  and
            plants,  have  been  shown  to  have  a  wide  range  of   enrichment  of  active  ingredients  in  natural  products.
                                                                               Macroporous  resins  display  distinguishing  features
            First author: Chang Bingquan (1993—), male, master degree candidate,   such  as  procedural  simplicity,  high  purification
            E-mail:                     efficiency,  good  stability,  and  easy  regeneration [12-14] .
            Corresponding author: Huang Shan (1975—), male, doctor, associate   Macroporous  resins  can  selectively  adsorb  targeted
            professor, E-mail:
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