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第 6 期                    常柄权,等:  变叶海棠叶总黄酮的分离纯化及体外抗炎活性                                   ·1153·

            the contact time in the first 15 min and subsequently   1.247  g/L (Fig.2B).  Thus,  the  initial  concentration  of
            slowly  increased.  The  adsorption  equilibrium  for   FMTs  in  the  sample  solution  for  adsorption  was
            FMTs was observed at approximately 3 h. Hence, 3 h   selected as 1.247 g/L.
            is sufficient to establish the adsorption equilibrium for   Additionally,  for  interpretation  of  the  adsorption’s
            FMTs.                                              experimental  data,  the  Langmuir  and  Freundlich
            3.3    Adsorption isotherms                        models  were  used.  Table  2  lists  the  two  isotherm
               In order to investigate the adsorption capacity and   equations  at  different  temperatures  and  two  critical
            characterize  the  adsorption  behaviour  of  FMTs,   parameters:  the  Q max   value  (obtained  from  the
            sample solutions with various concentrations of FMTs   Langmuir isotherm) and the 1/n value (obtained from
            (0.086~2.483 g/L) were shaken with AB-8 resin at 25,   the  Freundlich  isotherm).  The  correlations  (0.99677~
            35 and 45 ℃. The adsorption capacity increased with   0.99988)  for  FMTs  on  AB-8  indicated  that  the  two
            the  initial  concentration  and  reached  the  saturation   models  were  suitable  for  describing  the  tested
            plateau  when  the  initial  concentration  of  FMTs  was     adsorption system in the concentration ranges studied.

                    Table 2    Langmiur and Freundlich adsorption parameters of FMTs on AB-8 resin at different temperatures.
              Temperature/℃    Langmiur equation   R         Q max/(mg/g)   Freundlich equation   R    2  1  /  n
                   25         ρ e/Q e=0.005ρ e+0.0041   0.99988  200          Q e=138.74ρ e 0.2681    0.99859  0.2681
                   35         ρ e/Q e=0.007ρ e+0.0055   0.99722  142.86       Q e=112.25ρ e 0.2453    0.99792  0.2453
                   45         ρ e/Q e=0.011ρ e+0.0068   0.99805  90.91        Q e=88.19ρ e 0.2049    0.99677  0.2049

               Generally,  in  the  Freundlich  equation,  the   subsequent experiments.
            adsorption  was  easy  to  carry  out  when  the  1/n value   3.5    Effect of the sample solution pH value
            was between 0.1 and 0.5, and it was difficult to take   The initial pH value of the sample solution has an
            place if the 1/n value was above 1 [20] . In Table 2, all   important effect on the adsorption capacity of the resin.
            values  of  1/n  are  in  the  range  of  0.2049-0.2681,   The  pH  value  can  affect  the  adsorption  affinity  by
            indicating that the adsorption of FMTs on AB-8 resin   determining  the  extent  of  ionization  of  the  sample
            took  place  easily.  Thus,  AB-8  resin  was  appropriate   molecules [22] .  As shown  in  Fig.2D, for FMTs, AB-8
            for the enrichment of FMTs.                        resin  showed  higher  adsorption  capacities  at  pH  4.0
               Within  the  range  of  temperatures  investigated,  the   than  at  other  pH  values.  The  results  suggest  that
            adsorption  capacities  decreased  as  the  temperature   hydrogen  bonding  may  play  an  important  role  in  the
            increased (Fig.2B), which indicated that the adsorption   adsorption  process  on  AB-8  resin.  The  phenolic
            process was a thermopositive process. Similar results   hydroxyl  groups  of  FMTs  can  dissociate  to  form  H +
            were obtained for the enrichment of other compounds   and corresponding anions at higher pH values. Then,
            using  macroporous  resins.  Therefore,  25  ℃  was   the ionization process decreases the hydrogen bonding
            selected in the following experiments.             interactions  and  consequently  reduces  the  adsorption
            3.4    Effect of the sample concentration          interaction between FMTs and AB-8 resin. Therefore,
               The initial concentration of the sample solution has   the  pH  value  of  the  sample  solution  was  adjusted  to
            an important effect on the affinity of the flavonoids to   4.0 for all subsequent experiments.
            the  resins.  In  general,  the  adsorption  capacity  of  the   3.6    Dynamic breakthrough curves of AB-8 resin
            resin  increases  with  the  concentration  of  the  sample,   The  breakthrough  curves  of  AB-8  resin  were
            whereas the adsorption rate decreases [21] . The effect of   provided  based  on  the  volume  of  the  effluent  liquid
            the  sample  concentration  on  the  dynamic  adsorption   and  the  concentrations  of  FMTs  at  a  flow  rate  of
            capacity  of  AB-8  resin  was  evaluated  by  loading   2 BV/h.  In  general,  it  is  defined  that  the  adsorption
            different  concentrations  of  Malus toringoides  leaf   process  reaches  the  leakage  point  when  the
            extracts onto five resin columns. As shown in Fig.2C,   concentration  of  elute  is  10%  (mass  fraction)  of  the
            for FMTs, the adsorption capacities rapidly increased   original concentration [23] . As shown in Fig.3A, FMTs
            with  increasing  concentration  and  reached  the   have identical leakage points because of their similar
            saturation  plateau  when  the  initial  concentration  of   structure  and  polarity.  Below  10  BV,  FMTs  in  the
            Malus toringoides  (Rehd.)  Hughes  leaf  extracts  was   extract  solutions  were  almost  entirely  adsorbed  by
            15.0 g/L (the concentration is approximately equal to   AB-8  resin.  Then,  the  concentrations  of FMTs  in  the
            1.25  g/L  FMTs).  In  contrast,  the  adsorption  rate   effluent  liquid  rapidly  increased  until  it  reached  a
            significantly decreased at higher concentrations. Thus,   steady plateau at 18 BV. A sample loading amount of
            15.0 mg of extract per 1 mL of solution was selected   9 BV  (144  mL)  was  selected  for  the  dynamic
            as the initial concentration of the sample solution for   adsorption.
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