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·1156·                            精细化工   FINE CHEMICALS                                  第 36 卷

            NO was enhanced markedly to mediate inflammation   significantly inhibit the LPS-induced oversecretion of
            when stimulated by immunomodulators such as LPS [33] .   TNF-α in RAW 264.7 cells.
            RAW  264.7  macrophages  were  pretreated  with  the
            indicated concentrations (50~ 400 mg/L) of FMTs for   4. Conclusion
            12 h prior to the LPS (1 mg/L) treatment. As shown in
            Fig.7A,  the  level  of  NO  was  significantly  reduced   A  method  for  the  preparative  separation  and
            after treatment with over 100 mg/L FMTs compared to   purification  of  total  flavonoids  from  the  extracts  of
            the control group (treated with LPS only). The results   Malus toringoides  (Rehd.)  Hughes  leaves  with
            indicated  that  FMTs  could  significantly  inhibit  the   macroporous resins has been successfully established
            LPS-induced  overproduction  of  NO  in  RAW  264.7   in  the  present  study.  The  static  adsorption  and
            cells.                                             desorption  characteristics  of  twelve  widely  used
            3.9.3    Effect  of  FMTs  on  the  LPS-induced    macroporous resins for FMTs were evaluated. Among
                   overproduction of IL-6 in RAW 264.7 cells   the twelve conventional macroporous resins investigated,
               Interleukin  6  (IL-6)  is  an  interleukin  that  acts  as   AB-8  resin  was  selected  due  to  its  better  adsorption
            both  a  pro-inflammatory  cytokine  and  an  anti-   capacity  and  ratio  of  desorption.  The  equilibrium
            inflammatory   myokine.   IL-6   stimulates   the   experimental  data  of  the  adsorption  of  the  total
            inflammatory  and  auto-immune  processes  in  many   flavonoids  on  AB-8  resin  at  25,  30  and  45 ℃ were
            diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid   well-fitted to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.
            arthritis,  and  Alzheimer's  disease [34] .  To  investigate   An optimal pH of approximately 4 was selected for the
            further,  the  inhibitory  effect  of  FMTs  on  the   feeding  solution.  After  dynamic  adsorption  and
            macrophage inflammatory response, the level of IL-6   desorption  on  AB-8  resin,  the  optimum  adsorption
            in RAW 264.7 cells was measured after treatment with   process for flavonoid compounds could be performed
            LPS and FMTs. As shown in Fig.7B, the LPS-induced   with a concentration of 1.247 g/L at a feeding speed of
            oversecretion  of  IL-6  was  significantly  reduced  with   2 BV/h. Twenty percent ethanol solution was used as
            the  increase  in  FMT  concentration.  This  result   the favourable strippant at an eluting speed of 2 BV/h.
            indicated  that  FMTs  could  inhibit  the  LPS-induced   The total flavonoids were obtained from the eluate of
            IL-6 generation during the inflammatory response.   20%  (volume  fraction)  aqueous  ethanol  by  vacuum
            3.9.4    Effect  of  FMTs  on  the  LPS-induced    distillation recovery.
                   overproduction of IL-1β in RAW 264.7 cells    After  one  run  treatment  with  AB-8  resin,  the
               Interleukin  1β  (IL-1β)  is  a  member  of  the   content  of  total  flavonoids  in  the  extracts  of  Malus
            interleukin  1  family  of  cytokines.  Activated   toringoides  (Rehd.)  Hughes  leaves  was  increased
            macrophages  produce  this  cytokine  as  a  proprotein,   1.80-fold  from  32.79%  (mass  fraction)  to  59.18%
            which is proteolytically processed to its active form by   (mass fraction) with a recovery yield of 91.45%. These
            caspase 1 (CASP1/ICE). It is an important mediator of   results  of  the  anti-inflammatory  effect  evaluation  of
            the inflammatory response and is involved in a variety   FMTs  showed  that  it  could  significantly  inhibit  the
            of  cellular  activities,  including  cell  proliferation,   LPS-induced  NO,  IL-6,  IL-1β,  and  TNF-α  release  in
            differentiation,  and  apoptosis [35] .  The  effect  of  FMTs   vitro  compared  with  the  control  group  in  a  dose-
            on IL-1β secretion is shown in Fig.7C, and the level of   dependent  fashion.  The  results  will  help  with  the
            IL-1β  was  significantly  reduced  after  treatment  with   development of plant resources and the application in
            over  50  mg/L  FMTs  compared  to  the  control  group.   the food and pharmaceutical industries.
            The  results  indicated  that  FMTs  could  significantly
            inhibit  the  LPS-induced  oversecretion  of  IL-1β in   5. Conflict of Interest
            RAW 264.7 cells.
            3.9.5    Effect  of  FMTs  on  the  LPS-induced      None  of  the  authors  has  personal  or  financial
                   overproduction of TNF-α in RAW 264.7 cells     conflict of interest.
               Tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) is a cell signalling
            protein (cytokine) involved  in systemic inflammation   References:
            and  is  one  of  the  cytokines  that  make  up  the  acute   [1]   Wang Haiying (王海英), Xu Qing (徐庆), Fan Gaoqiang (樊高强), et
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            producing  cells [36] .  As  shown  in  Fig.7D,  the  control   Resource  survey  and  pharmacognosy  research  on  Zang  medicine
            cell  group  (treated  with  LPS  only)  secreted  a  large   “ESe” [J]. Pharmacy and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica(中药与
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