Page 59 - 精细化工2019年第9期
P. 59
第 36 卷第 9 期 精 细 化 工 Vol.36, No.9
201 9 年 9 月 FINE CHEMICALS Sept. 2019
宋康宁,梁晓怿 ,丁伟昌
(华东理工大学 化工学院,上海 200237)
摘要:利用聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)对球形活性炭进行包覆,并分析 PVB 溶液质量分数及其分子量对肌酐、VB 12
吸附过程进行分析。采用 SEM、BET、压汞法孔隙率测定及 FTIR 对包覆活性炭形貌、结构进行表征。结果表
明:包膜前后活性炭的吸附机理均为化学吸附,PVB 质量分数对吸附量及吸附速率的影响最大,且随 PVB 质量
分数的增大而显著下降;PVB 分子量的改变则影响较小,但对增强炭表面亲水作用意义重大。双组分体系下,
溶菌酶对 VB 12 的竞争吸附作用明显,VB 12 的竞争吸附强度高达 30%以上;肌酐与溶菌酶体系中,两者竞争吸
附强度均低于 8%,竞争吸附现象不明显。
中图分类号:O647.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5214 (2019) 09-1787-08
Adsorption Performance of Polyvinyl Butyral Capsulated Activated
Carbon in Blood Simulation
SONG Kang-ning, LIANG Xiao-yi , DING Wei-chang
(School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Abstract: The encapsulated spherical activated carbon was prepared with polyvinyl butyral (PVB) under
different PVB solution mass fraction and molecular weight. Then, the adsorption performance of
encapsulated spherical activated carbon was investigated in blood simulation system consisting of
creatinine, VB 12 and lysozyme. The adsorption processes of single component and differential binary
component were analyzed by using adsorption kinetics and adsorption isotherms. The structure and
morphology of encapsulated spherical activated carbon were characterized by SEM, BET, mercury intrusion
porosimetry and FTIR. The results showed that the adsorption mechanism of activated carbon before and
after encapsulating were chemical adsorption. PVB mass fraction had the greatest influence on the
adsorption amount and adsorption rate. Adsorption properties decreased significantly with the increase of
the mass fraction of PVB. PVB molecular weight had less effect on the adsorption properties, but it was of
great significance in enhancing the hydrophilic effect on the carbon surface. In the binary component
system, lysozyme had a significant competitive adsorption effect on VB 12, up to 30% adsorption strength of
VB 12. In another system consisting of creatinine and lysozyme, the adsorption strength of both components
were below 8% and the competitive adsorption phenomenon was not obvious.
Key words: spherical activated carbon; envelope; polyvinyl butyral; blood simulation; adsorption;
functional materials
活性炭吸附剂凭借吸附广谱性、吸附能力强、 净化领域应用广泛 。相比常规活性炭,球形活性
价格低廉等优点,在血液灌流、解急性中毒等血液 炭(Spherical activated carbon,SAC)不仅有着丰富
收稿日期:2019-02-11; 定用日期:2019-04-02; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190109