Page 102 - 《精细化工》2020年第1期
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第 37 卷第 1 期                             精   细   化   工                                  Vol.37, No.1
             202 0 年 1 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Jan.    2020


                                        徐福利      1,2 ,张   威    1,2* ,王丰收       1,2

                       (1.  上海发凯化工有限公司,上海    201505;2.  中轻日化科技有限公司,上海    201505)

                 八/十烷基葡糖苷(APG0810)进行复配,研究了 NAEC9 不同质量分数对复配体系表面张力、泡沫性、润湿性、
                 乳化性、去污性的影响。结果表明,窄分布 NAEC9 与 1631 复配后在表面张力、泡沫性、润湿、乳化性能上有
                 明显的协同增效作用,且 NAEC9 质量分数为 66.7%时协同作用最强,此时,润湿时间由不润湿降低至 37 s,30
                 s 泡沫体积最大(500 mL)。而 NAEC9 与 ALES、APG0810 复配体系在性能上协同作用不显著。在去污性能上,
                 NAEC9 与 ALES 复配体系对皮脂污布去污性能最好,对蛋白污布去污能力最差。阴离子表面活性剂 NAEC9 与
                 阳离子表面活性剂 1631 复配具有良好的协同作用,表面活性增强的同时不会产生沉淀。
                 中图分类号:TQ423.99      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 01-0088-05

                        Study on compound properties of narrow distribution alcohol
                                    ether carboxylate and common surfactant

                                         Xu Fuli , Zhang Wei 1,2* , Wang Fengshou
                 (1. Shanghai Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201505, China; 2. Sinolight Surfantants Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai
                 201505, China)

                 Abstract: Narrow distribution alcohol ether carboxylate (NAEC9) was synthesized by oxidation. Then, it
                 was  compounded  with  ammonium  lauryl  ether  sulfate  (ALES),  hexadecyl  trimethylammonium  chloride
                 (1631)  and  octadecyl  glucoside  (APG0810).  The  effects  of  different  mass  fractions  of  NAEC9  on  the
                 surface  tension,  foamability,  wetting,  emulsification  and  decontamination  of  the  composite  system  were
                 studied.  The  results  showed  that  the  compound  system  of  NAEC9/1631  exhibited  obvious  synergistic
                 effects on surface tension, wetting and emulsifying properties, and the synergistic effect was strongest when
                 the NAEC9 mass fraction was 66.7%. Meanwhile, the wetting time decreased from no wetting to 37 s, and
                 the foam volume reached a maximum of 500 mL at 30 s. However, no obvious synergistic effects were
                 found between NAEC9/ALES and NAEC9/APG0810 systems. In terms of decontamination performance,
                 NAEC9/ALES compound system had the best decontamination performance for sebum decontamination
                 cloth and the worst decontamination ability for protein decontamination cloth. The compound system of
                 anionic  surfactant  NAEC9  and  cationic  surfactant  1631  had  a  good  synergistic effect, and the surface
                 activity enhanced without precipitating.
                 Key words: narrow distribution alcohol ether carboxylate; synergic effect; mixing; surfactants

                 醇醚羧酸盐(AEC)系列产品是一类具有阴离                         三大绿色表面活性剂         [1-2] 。其中,窄分布 AEC 性能
            子和非离子双重性质的表面活性剂,醇醚羧酸盐由                             更好,这是由于普通 AEC 中 EO(聚氧乙烯基)数
            醇醚(AEO)氧化反应所得,属于 20 世纪 90 年代                       分布较宽,EO 数在 2~23 间分布,而窄分布 AEC9

                 收稿日期:2019-05-28;  定用日期:2019-06-26; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20190474
                 作者简介:徐福利(1987—),男,工程师,硕士,。联系人:张   威(1975—),女,博士,E-mail:
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