Page 174 - 《精细化工》2020年第11期
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第 37 卷第 11 期                            精   细   化   工                                 Vol.37, No.11
             2020 年 11 月                             FINE CHEMICALS                                 Nov.    2020


                            问娟娟      1,2 ,刘   斌 ,赵新红 ,刘浪浪                     2,3 ,仝红娟
                 (1.  陕西国际商贸学院  医药学院,陕西省中药绿色制造技术协同创新中心,陕西    西安  712046;2.  兰
                 州理工大学  石油化工学院,甘肃  兰州    730050;3.  陕西宝塔山油漆股份有限公司,陕西  兴平    713100)

                 摘要:二茂铁与乙酸酐发生 Friedel-Crafts 酰基化反应制得了乙酰基二茂铁,接着通过 Willgerodt-Kindler 反应制
                 得二茂铁乙酸,再经过还原反应得到了目标化合物 2-二茂铁基乙醇。考察了反应条件对二茂铁乙酸还原成 2-二
                 度为 25  ℃,反应时间为 24  h 的最佳还原条件下,2-二茂铁基乙醇的收率为 82%。体外活性测试结果表明,2-
                 二茂铁基乙醇对人乳腺癌细胞 MCF-7 和 MDA-MB-231、人肝癌细胞 Hep  G2、人宫颈癌细胞 HeLa 均有明显的
                 抑制活性,其半数抑制浓度(IC 50 )分别为 17.4、12.9、20.7、24.6  μmol/L;此外,2-二茂铁基乙醇对人正常乳
                 腺上皮细胞 MCF-10A 没有毒性,而阳性对照药物 5-氟尿嘧啶展现出了一定的毒性。
                 关键词:2-二茂铁基乙醇;Willgerodt-Kindler  反应;合成;抗肿瘤活性;医药原料
                 中图分类号:TQ463.23      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1003-5214 (2020) 11-2320-05

                    Synthesis and anti-tumor activity evaluation of 2-ferrocenylethanol

                        WEN Juanjuan , LIU Bin , ZHAO Xinhong , LIU Langlang , TONG Hongjuan
                 (1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Green Manufacturing Technology for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shaanxi
                 Province, School of Pharmacy, Shaanxi Institute of International Trade & Commerce, Xi'an 712046, Shaanxi, China; 2.
                 School of Petrochemical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, Gansu, China; 3. Shaanxi
                 Baotashan Paint Co., Ltd., Xingping 713100, Shaanxi, China)
                 Abstract: Acetyl ferrocene was prepared by Friedel-Grafts acylation reaction between ferrocene and acetic
                 anhydride. Then, ferrocenylacetic acid was synthesized by Willgerodt-Kindler reaction of acetyl ferrocene.
                 Target  compound  2-ferrocenylethanol  was  obtained  by  reduction  reaction  of  ferrocenylacetic  acid.  The
                 effects of reaction conditions on the yield of 2-ferrocenylethanol from ferrocenylacetic acid were studied.
                 Under the optimum conditions of lithium aluminum hydride as reducing agent, tetrahydrofuran as solvent,
                 n(lithium aluminum hydride)∶n(ferrocenylacetic acid)= 8∶1, reaction temperature of 25  ℃, and reaction
                 time  of  24  h,  the  yield  of  2-ferrocenylethanol  was  82%.  The  in vitro  activity  test  results  showed  that
                 2-ferrocenylethanol  had  obvious  inhibitory  activities  against  human  breast  cancer  cells  MCF-7  and
                 MDA-MB-231, human liver cancer cells Hep G2 , human cervical cancer cells HeLa, and the corresponding
                 half  inhibitory  concentration  (IC 50 )  values  were  17.4,  12.9,  20.7,  24.6  μmol/L,  respectively.  Additionally,
                 2-ferrocenylethanol was nontoxic to human normal mammary epithelial cells MCF-10A, while the positive
                 control drug 5-fluorouracil exhibited essential toxicity.
                 Key words: 2-ferrocenylethanol; Willgerodt-Kindler reaction; synthesis; anti-tumor activity; drug materials

                 二茂铁是由两个环戊二烯和一个铁离子构成夹                          相似,易发生亲电取代反应,具有芳香性、稳定性、
            心结构的金属配合物,其化学性质与芳香类化合物                             可逆的氧化还原性、亲油性、低毒性等优异性能,

                 收稿日期:2020-05-27;  定用日期:2020-07-14; DOI: 10.13550/j.jxhg.20200437
                 作者简介:  问娟娟(1987—),女,讲师,。联系人:刘   斌(1982—),男,讲师,。
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